[Report] SharingShard - EIR - ( From May 21, 2022 to June 26, 2022 )

Project title: SharingShard

Project Summary: A tool to help monetize the creation of knowledge capsules, known as Knoogets. The tool fosters conversations among content creators, content discovery persons, and people able to share knowledge and experience to solve problems and challenges.

SharingShard Team:

Jorge Zavala - zavala55.near

Juan Carlos Iglesia - @jiglesia


May 21 → June 26, 2022

The following are the results of the team:


Concept and Front End Design: Figma

Github: GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/sharingshard

Daily Video Reports: In youtube


  • Explored the alternatives of using Vercel or Fleek to host the application – the decision will be made when the Front-End has the minimum functions to evaluate the best option

  • The Front End has been developed in stages

    • Using the NearCli to test the access to the contracts

    • Write a simple app using pure javascript and near-api-js to test the call from the Front End to the contracts

    • Expand the use to integrate Vue2

    • Expand the use to integrate Vue2 and Vuetify

    • Test the alternative to use Vue3

  • The decision so far is to use Vue2 and Vuetify with a template and explore it as the best alternative

  • We have a first draft working on integrating all the functions created so far.


  • The contracts have evolved to have the minimum set of functions

  • It is set a first error handling

  • Working in the functions related to monetizing experiences, connecting to the wallet, and transferring money in an ongoing process.

Business Model and Validation:

  • Initial reading on how to tokenize the application

  • Hold several chats with potential users to get feedback on how to develop the entire operation