[REPORT] SharingShard 2nd Monthly Report

Period: June 6 to July 1, 2022

Project title: SharingShard

Project Summary: A tool to help monetize the creation of knowledge capsules, known as Knoogets. The tool fosters conversations among content creators, content discovery persons, and people able to share knowledge and experience to solve problems and challenges.

SharingShard Team:

Jorge Zavala - zavala55.near

Juan Carlos Iglesia - jiglesia

The following are the results of the team:


Concept and Front End Design: Figma figma.com/file/mNFMudkiSlp5vn4LEJP1aG/SharingShard-Prototype?node-id=45%3A211

Github (BackEnd): GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/sharingshard GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/sharingshard

Github (FrontEnd): GitHub - kinnevo/sharingshard-frontend: This this the frontend development done in Vue 2.0 with Vuetify

Daily Video Reports: In youtube


  • Work in the selection of the framework to develop the front end. After several evaluations, the decision was to use Vue 2.0 with Vuetify

  • The Front End has been developed in 4 stages:

    • Develop test data to test the contracts using NearCli to test each method with sample data to keep developing the project

    • Using javascript with NEAR-API-JS to test the integration between front and backend

    • Develop each view for the application using dummy data with the look and feel for the production

    • Writing of the functionality in the front end to develop the final version of each view

  • Currently we have a local prototype in progress


  • Juan Carlos has developed the contract with the methods - The detailed report is provided in the Juan Carlos Iglesias report


  • it is a work in early development