DAO Name: DAOrecords
Position: Project Manager
Report for the month and year: March 2022
Accomplished objectives:
- DAOrecords Trello set up for the Team,
- DAOrecords’ Discord revamp with @Sleezy_Moss and @vandal Vand,
- Template creation for the team (report and proposal),
- Attendance and active participation in weekly meetings related to marketing,
- Active participation in DAOrecords’ website revamp meetings.
I’ve joined at the end of February to the DAOrecords, where I met the rest of the team. The month of March was focused on the upcoming SoundSplash event, Discord revamp, and website design for the community. I’ve set up a Trello app with Vandal, where the rest of the team can track the progress of current tasks such as marketing plans or a confirmed list of artists for SoundSplash. DAOrecords team can also find on Trello the needed documents in terms of HR resources or resources related to SoundSplash, $TUNE, and upcoming audio NFT launchpad. In order to keep our work standardized, I’ve created a template for reporting and proposals for the team.
NEAR wallet name: crans.near
Hours contributed: 20
Total requested funds: $500