[Report] Onboard DAO May Report

Here is the May funded proposals

Onboard DAO funded 4 projects in the month of May.

  1. FROST implementation compatible with Near
    [Proposal] FROST implementation compatible with Near

  2. Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation
    [Proposal] Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation

  3. Near Chain Signature Integration for Flutterchain
    [PROPOSAL] - Near Chain Signature Integration for Flutterchain

  4. Dropwallet telegram wallet funding
    [Proposal] Application for DropWallet

All 4 projects will receive $5k in funding and received half the amount which is $2.5k to start to built the project. The other half will be sent once the project is completed with the source codes and documentation sent to onboard DAO.

Project Progress

  1. FROST implementation compatible with Near
    Completion rate: 33%
    Project update: Implemented SimplPedPoP, a Distributed Key Generation protocol, which is required for the FROST implementation, in here: curve25519-dalek/ed25519-dalek/src/olaf at simplpedpop · Fiono11/curve25519-dalek · GitHub
    Video Demo
    Onboard Dao and Frost Biweekly Sync (2024-05-14 22:02 GMT+8) - Google Drive
    Sepolia Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

  2. Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation
    Project update:
    a. Project board setup, live at https://github.com/orgs/Harmonic-Guild/projects/3
    b. Bos component live at - trialDropDeploy by harmonic1.near | Near Social (need bug fixes)
    c .Serverless Airdrop service early build - https://github.com/Harmonic-Guild/airdrop-service
    Video Demo: Next week

  3. Near Chain Signature Integration for Flutterchain
    Completion rate: 10%
    Project update: We created core and start to implementing ETH network
    Video Demo: Flutter chain demo video - Google Drive

  4. Dropwallet telegram wallet funding
    Completion rate: 20% of refactoring
    Project update: Refactoring source to make the code better. cleaner . more secure

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