[Approved] Onboard DAO April Proposal to HOM

Proposal Received

  1. NEAR P2P Wallet ($5000)
    [proposal] nearp2p wallet v1

  2. FROST implementation compatible with Near ($5000)
    [Proposal] FROST implementation compatible with Near

  3. Wallet selector Maintainer ($5200)
    [Proposal] OnboardDAO to Administer Wallet Selecter Product

  4. Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation ($5000)
    [Proposal] Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation

Proposal Approved

Wallet selector Maintainer (Quarterly funding)
$5520 per month
$16,560 per quarter

Poll to take ownership of Wallet selector Maintainer approved by Onboard DAO council members

Poll results

Pagoda no longer has the mission directive or resources to maintain the Wallet Selector product. This is currently a critical tool in the ecosystem utilized by 90%+ of dApps. It allows the user to designate which wallet they prefer to use and remembers that selection. It is vital to maintain NEAR foundation’s mission of supporting a wallet-neutral platform.

Onboard DAO will take ownership of the wallet selector from the repo to its documentation. Onboard DAO will ask for the budget suggested by Trentin from Pagado for the maintenance of the wallet selector.

Proposal that will be review for next month

  1. NEAR P2P Wallet
    [proposal] nearp2p wallet v1 - #2 by ramgor

  2. FROST implementation compatible with Near
    [Proposal] FROST implementation compatible with Near

  3. Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation
    [Proposal] Trial Account BOS App and Production Handbook with Open Source Airdrop Service plus Examples and Documentation

Current Responsibilities

  1. wallet.near.org - design, development, and maintenance - in progress
    Wallets/features.md at main · NEARBuilders/Wallets · GitHub
    Currently working with Pagoda to transfer custody and update all references.

  2. Token Scam List Registry & Integration - in progress
    GitHub - NEARBuilders/audits: Public Audits in the NEAR Ecosystem
    Implementation for scam list in Meteor wallet, need to adopt and standardized

  3. Wallet Native Features for Wallet Teams - in progress


Onboard DAO April Budget


Hello @Yuen. Can Onboard Dao’s treasure cover it? I see $52.200 in the treasure. Or how does Onboard DAO handle the budget received from NDC with the last proposal ($20,200)?

Thank you!

the same did AC DAO: [Proposal to HoM] AC-DAO: NDC V1 APR Budget Application


We need quarterly commitment for Wallet Selector. Its too big of a project not to have commitment for. Also should not be disincentivized for holding NEAR. We just now getting ops setup as we had no confidence NDC would give funding or whether to pursue any of these initiatives. But if the NDC wants to deprioritize wallet infra while L2s are now providing a better experience, fine by us.


Is there a timeline for updates to wallet.near.org? Seems like funding was distributed for this for Feb?

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Is there a timeline for updates to wallet.near.org? Seems like funding was distributed for this for Feb?

We havent receive any funds from Onboard DAO yet, but we are expecting yes, with who we should be in contact?


And thanks for taking it into account

We will be using the current treasury to pay out the April funding.

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We will share a more detailed report next month since I was just onboarded and the onboard dao received funds late to start operations.

We are in talks with Pagoda to get all the repo transferred to the onboard dao and ref finance for the scam registry.

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A proposals will need to be polled by the council members and the only proposal approve was the wallet connector maintainer to onboard dao.

We will create a group with you and others to discuss about your proposals.

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