As of the end of August we have approximately 282 members in the group.
NxM Telegram is the most active social channels we have, where members join and get information on what NxM is about (see the pinned messages) and interact with each other to share content and the other activities by NxM members.
We have done various polls to engage the community, with the last one leading to the launch of the NxM Broadcast Channel, which is aimed to condense the important updates and information from the community into a sweet timeline accessible by all!
The NxM Telegram is also the only place that the Tip Bot is implemented and we have been rewarding members regularly for their quality interactions. I’ve put another 5 N in the DAOrecords tip-bot account, I figure I’ll keep giving tips this way. Also @Paul is now doing tips!
In our July Report we had 250 members, so we’ve added 32 new members since then, ahead of the estimated 25 members goal. With a heavier push via socials we should be able to increase that number by the end of September!
Good morning! One of artist which joined your telegram group in August (one of 32) couldn’t reach anybody about his near music project. Why? Do you chase quantity of members to get a new payment?
Not sure what you mean by that. The community is always open for members to post and we try to support everyone. Do keep in mind that NxM is a collaborative community, so maybe you could recommend that they try and collaborate with members to bring more attention to their project. Or even submit a proposal, or attend a community call to join the conversation! Hope that helps
Also @Dacha it’s not ‘chasing members’ to receive payment, it’s about facilitation. Do have a look at our August Funding request for a breakdown of everything we’re doing with NxM. Cheers!