[Report] NxM Telegram Management - September 2021

September Report for the NxM Telegram channel

As of the end of September we have approximately 330 members in the group, that’s up almost 50 new members from the previous report.

NxM Telegram is the most active social channels we have, where members join and get information on what NxM is about (see the pinned messages) and interact with each other to share content and the other activities by NxM members.

We have seen an increase in activity and new members joining the Telegram channel as well as the supplementary activity of the Broadcast Channel.

The NxM Telegram is also the only place that the Tip Bot is implemented and we have been rewarding members regularly for their quality interactions. We still have 2.4 N left in the Tips account from last month. I want to switch over the Tip Bot to use the nxm-live.near account instead of using daorecords.near @chloe can you advise? If I’m not mistaken you’d set up the tip bot initially.

In our August Report we had 282 members and have well exceeded our targeted 25 new members a month goal. We definitely achieved the added numbers this month by about double!


Allocated amount - $200 (30 N)
Target - vandal.near

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