This is the first report for the NxM Telegram channel that I’ve been managing since it’s inception back in late Feb 2021.
As of the end of July we had approximately 250 members in the group.
NxM Telegram is the most active social channels we have, where members join and get information on what NxM is about (see the pinned messages) and interact with each other to share content and the other activities by NxM members.
We haven’t really been promoting the Telegram channel that much, but moving into the coming month we’re looking into various bounties that can be used to bring more members into the group.
The NxM Telegram is also the only place that the Tip Bot is implemented and we have been rewarding members regularly for their quality interactions. Currently these tips have been funded by DAOrecords, we want to set it up for NxM Near account to handle the tips, but for now we will use the remainder of funds in the DAOrecords tip account (1.62 N).
Moving into August, I will be working with the NxM Social Media Squad to actively push the NxM Telegram through posts on a weekly basis.
For the next report we can better quantify analytics and numbers. I’m hoping we can add at least 25 new members in August.
Allocated amount - 100 N
Target - vandal.near