[REPORT] Near Türkiye March-May 2023

Hi everyone,

I hereby share the March-May 2023 report for the Turkish NEAR community.
FYI: Since we received the March-April funding in mid-April and the May funding in mid-May, I’ll summarize the last three months.
Contrary to my last reports, this time I will not report much about the growth of the social media channels. After consultation with RCWG, we will focus more on Near.Social / Near BOS and attract more developers and builders to NEAR

Previous Proposal:

Previous Report: [REPORT] Near Turkey January / February 2023

Guild name: NEAR Türkiye
User March / April : cizi31.near
User May: nearinturkiye.near (Changed to DAO https://app.astrodao.com/dao/nearprotocol-turkiye.sputnik-dao.near)
Approved amount March / April : 4300$
Approved amount May: 3300$

Near.social of all core team members:

Link to the social media accounts:

Main content:

NEAR articles: 27

Daily content:

We are continuously sharing daily content with our community.

Telegram chat Daily support: Telegram: Contact @near_tr

Total users: ~8000

Total Messages all time: 126399+
Total Messages in March: 2421
Total Messages in April: 4706
Total Messages in May: 3330

Daily news are also shared on Twitter. We have an increase in impressions mentions and profile visits

Twitter: https://twitter.com/near_turkey

Twitter Space with x.com (Founder of x.com and x.com )

Near Protocol Türkiye Youtube

Since the main focus is not on the numbers in social media, I would like to report more towards Near Social / IamHuman and the development of the devs and builders below:

NEAR Social
We are proud to be the first regional community with over 100 Near.social followers.

Near Social event

Also we were able to get over 30 people verified on IamHuman within two weeks. Now we are waiting for further announcement to move to the Fractal verification.
IamHuman Event: x.com

Development and Builders
We are actively sharing content on Near.org and trying to onboard more users to NEAR BOS.
We started with translating the content and could create our first sample widget on NEAR which says Hello Türkiye :smiley:
Near Social Widget Hello Türkiye
I will attend NEAR BOS workshops with RCWG to prepare a special NEAR BOS event for our community.

I have created a separate group for our community Telegram: Contact @near_aurora_builders_turkiye. The group is still in development, the topics can be edited. It should help developers from Turkey to connect and build together on Near and Aurora. Later we will consider a website for this.

I am currently in talk with some blockchain devs and educators. Trying to organize a workshop / offline meetup in a co-working space in Antalya/Türkiye: Creawork - Coworking, Sanal ofis, Hazır ofis, Paylaşımlı ofis - Google Search

After discussion with the NDC community group we will focus on JavaScript in the beginning. Our dev team has experience in Rust, Solidity, Javascript and other programming languages such as Java, C#…
The proposal for the offline workshop will be published in the next days.

Partnership with dAngel Fund https://www.dangel.fund
The first investment fund with an incubator and launchpad platform explicitly designed for the Near Ecosystem, providing an efficient, safe, and reliable platform for decentralized financing for exciting and visionary projects. We will work together to onboard new projects on their launchpad and also give our community the chance to build a project on Near.

as we also get messages from experienced developers. I am currently researching Near Horizon and explaining how to start your own project on Near. A detailed explanation will be shared in our social media channels soon.

Next plans:

  • publish a proposal for the month June 2023
  • publish a proposal for the offline JavaScript workshop in Antalya
  • participate in a blockchain event in June
  • partnership with Universities and/or Innovation programs.
  • organize Mini Meetups in our office
  • participate in weekly calls with RCWG and do online workshops
  • continue to grow our social media channels, especially Near Social and IamHuman (Fractal)

that’s all for now. I’m always open to ideas and would like to invite everyone to work with us. if you want to join our team you can always contact me or schedule an appointment [here]
(Calendly - Sezer)

Thank you for your support! :dizzy:

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