[Update] MV traders of Near

A little bit latter than planned, we are bringing you excellent results of the trading competition that we are organizing. We started it on April 11. At the beginning, we had some issues related to the ads on instagram (due to the issue of cryptocurrencies, which is delicate for meta) and the whole process was delayed a bit. But this delay worked for us to make favorable changes in the tournament, taking advantage of the NFT trend, we added 2 NFTs gift to our tournament for all those who complete the form.
We manage to opened the competition to more people, especially people with basic knowledge of trading, simplifying the tournament so that anyone with knowledge in cryptocurrencies or blockchain can participate.

Here I attach the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7QNavzYn3viode1GgW7eZd2vkuCjdNcKYGo3zGf2yV1IXow/viewform?usp=sf_link


With the campaign, it has been possible to reach 237 interested people in 20 days, of which 93 people already have create their Near wallet and recive advise to do the NCA of near university and go deeper into the world of Near, in addition the 93 people have one NFTs in paras.id and were advised on how to use the platform, how to make their own NFT and how to sell the ones they already have, with this, we seek to promote the use of the Paras.id Platform.

All this can be verified in the Near Venezuela telegram channel where we are doing the onboarding(also when we reach 200 new wallets we will leave here a document with all the open wallets). As the contest has had many interactions from many people with basic knowledge of trading and people who want to learn about it, we have decided to extend the tournament and facilitate 5 webinars where the topics of trading with near platforms and NFTs will be discussed, in turn, taking advantage of the launch Near P2P will explain the benefits of it, we will also teach the users how to use REEF FINANCE so that they learn the operations that can be executed on the platform.

The last day to participate in the tournament will be May 12. With this, we seek to repeat the formula looking for more participants with double the effort invested in advertising and design to achieve between 500 and 700 new NearDeans. This tournament has helped us a lot, we have better evaluated our community and we understand the need they have to join near community, we estimate that in these coming days we will achieve the 300 wallets we had in mind and at least 130 participants in the tournament.

237 users reached
100 new wallets
400 interested users

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