[REPORT] Meta Campfire, a storytelling event on the metaverse - 1st Edition: thriller/horror stories theme

Final Report

Project status: completed

Project name: Meta Campfire -First Edition

Project Accounting:
Our first edition of the Meta Campfire was amazing! People loved the idea of sharing stories around a campfire, the meta space created for it and all the experience was great!
We held the event at our parcel on Voxels. People started showing up 2h before the event and it went until 3h after the scheduled!
We had 7 writers on the event either reading or supporting the others, more than 250 people attended the event and visited the space. We had an improvised after party because everyone wanted to keep hanging out together :smiley:
We made a video promotion for the event to be shared on our socials, one wearable was given to everyone that attented, one Mintbase NFT was given to all writers and an extra Mintbase NFT was gifted to the top 3 winners as a welcome list (pre-approval) spot to the next edition (see all these links bellow).

Updated Project Timeline:
Evething was done on the right timing.

Highlights and Final Products:
We had lots of people coming and hearing stories, gathering together to spend quality time together. Besides it one wearable NFT was given to everyone that attented, one Mintbase NFT was given to all writers and an extra Mintbase NFT was gifted to the top 3 winners as a welcome list (pre-approval) spot to the next edition (see all these links bellow)

  • Here’s the marshmallow stick everyone that participated or attended the event got

Mintbase NFTs given only to writers:

  • Meta Campfire 1st Edition (May 22nd) - Writer’s Certificate of Participation (the NFT is not really a POAP, I didn’t know it meant something else)
  • Meta Campfire 1st Edition (May 22nd 2022) - Welcome List (Top 3 Writers)
  • The texts are also going to be published on the NEAR Metaverse Magazine #06 (coming soon).

  • Edited video of the party coming soon.

We definitely learned a lot, not everyone could read on the event, but most people that had any kind of technical issue contacted us and I read their stories for them. Next time we’ll tell people is better if they have a wallet to log in and use the voice chat, that works better than the broadcast option.
We’re also thinking of hiring a storyteller to read all the stories, that would make things smoother and we could send them the texts beforehand so they can better prepare for reading it live. In that way I could focus on being the hostess/moderator and better record the event.

Next Steps:
Next time we’re thinking of hiring a storyteller, pay the writers a little better and pay the people that produced the event (only the writers were paid this time, all the work was a gift to the community).

Additional Links:

  • Twitter Post - Invitation:
  • Instagram Post- Invitation:


  • All the links for the Metaverse DAO:

See also: