Monthly Report - May 2022
Writer’s Guild DAO Council Members:
*Target: near-writers-collective.sputnik-dao.near
*Total Requested: 5000 USD in NEAR
*Total Spent: 4,111.08 USD in NEAR
*Total Left: 888.92 USD (155 in DAI and 737 USD in NEAR)
What we proposed: May 2022 Funding Proposal
Total Requested Funding Amount: 5000 USD in NEAR
The main objective of the Writer’s Guild is to facilitate creative projects within the NEAR community, bringing the writing medium to the blockchain through creative innovation. We aim to be inclusive and diverse in the projects we support and we aim to build collaborative efforts between media forms and artists.
May Activities:
The Writer’s Guild invited creatives to participate in our community through one-page poetry/prose submissions bounty which relate to the theme of “Incommunicability”. 17 individuals entered and 10 received or are set to receive a prize of 25 USD in DAI. The winners are:
The Writer’s Guild also invited creatives to aid us in creating social media banners for our profiles through a Cover Art Bounty. This contest has been extended for one extra week to encourage additional entries. The contest will close on June 9th and a winner will be selected by June 10th. The winner will receive a prize of $150 DAI. At the time of this report, 7 individuals have submitted.
Funded Proposals:
These proposals were funded in May:
Half funding of ongoing project Asemic writing (300 usd in NEAR/DAI) submitted by @pinkalsky
Funding of The French Shelter to the South-American Literary Boom (600 usd in NEAR/DAI) submitted by @ortega
Funding of Latin American Dramaturgy Trilogy (450 usd in NEAR/DAI) submitted by @JohnFaus
Funding of 8 Flash Fiction pieces as sci-fi NFTs (800 usd in NEAR/DAI) submitted by @gabrielfelipejacomel.
Financial Movements
The Writer’s Guild directs funding to accepted proposals in two halves. The first half of funding is released to encourage production once proposals are voted upon and the second half of funding is released when the proposed project is completed. A project report is required of funded projects on the 25th of each month. This month, the payout the bounty ‘Social Media Banner’ is delayed to encourage more submissions before winners are chosen. This Bounty has been extended until June 7th.
Funds directed to Council members are released at the beginning of each month.
Next Steps:
In June, the Writer’s Guild and the VN Artists DAO will collaborate on a creative writing bounty devised by the VN Artists DAO and judged with the assistance of the Writer’s Guild Council.
VAD is a DAO dedicated for Artists in Vietnam which conducts workshops & out-reaching activities to onboard individuals through creative projects. The theme of the bounty is Bookmarks and the specific prompt direction is as follows: “Quote a sentence that you love and write your thoughts about it” Submissions will be capped at a max of 500 words and will be posted as replies to a Bounty Post on the Near Forum. Submissions should be either saved as a jpg or png file with a max file size of 5MB or as a pdf with max file size of 500MB. Those who wish to submit will be directed to either post their file or create a link to their work (to a Medium or blogging platform, a PDF, or a cloud document) and place their link as a comment on the forum thread along with their NEAR wallet name, and social media handle(s).
10 winners will each receive $25 in DAI paid out by the VN Artists DAO treasury.
About VAD: [Introduction] VN Artists DAO
Medium Publication and Website:
In June, the Writer’s Guild Council will continue work on their website and Medium publications. The website will act as a launchpad for the various social media arms of the Writer’s Guild community and the Medium publication will act as a repository of past and current projects. Individuals who complete projects funded by the Writer’s Guild will be encouraged to write Medium articles about their experiences to raise awareness of our community.
In June, the Writer’s Guild intends to fund a variety of projects: ([PROPOSAL] Writer’s Guild Funding Proposal for June, 2022)
Marketing Strategy
To structure the Writer’s Guild digital communication strategy and start the activation of social media profiles (Instagram and Twitter), publicize the initiative and the funded projects already completed, the Writer’s Guild is seeking the assistance of Com.Tato Agency in the development and deployment of a Marketing Strategy for June onwards.
Thank you,
The Writers’ Guild (NEAR Writers Collective)