REPORT: Live meeting in Moscow

Hello Guys! Two months ago, I had the idea to make a live event in Moscow dedicated to blockchain and the Near ecosystem. I wrote about it here.

I got it done this weekend! The event was attended by 43 people, we talked for 3 hours. During this time, I talked about what Web 3.0 is, why this is the future, and why the Near ecosystem is one of the coolest on the market. I also told how you can become a specialist in the field of blockchain, talked about free programs and sent out useful materials to everyone.

It went great and I’m thinking of repeating this event in the next couple of months.

I am attaching a video and photo report from the event;)


@jlwaugh @danpodkovko


Круто… Я знаю ребята хотели в Сочи подобный митап провести.

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Огонь! Мы еще с Деном (@danpodkovko ) сейчас хотим сделать вебинар на тему того, как построить карьеру в блокчейне и какие тут есть возможности. Чтобы продвинуть университет. Рассчитываю, что в конце апреля проведем. Отчетом тоже поделюсь)


Круто, спасибо больше :wink: