REPORT] Kin DAO - February 2022
Hi Creatives!
February has been a relatively smooth month for us as we slowly ground into ourselves after last month’s tragedy and are met with many expanding opportunities and shifts. We have been moving forward with our digital gallery as well as teaching and onboarding many DAOs into the ecosystem. With the slow moving payout process and decent dip in Near, we lost 40% of our funds so had to scale back to what was within our capacity.
With that begin said, we have a very exciting announcement! As our communities develop more interest in exploring DAOs and our onboarding efforts have expanded, we have decided to create a project DAO called Primordia. You can learn more about it here;
New Art City Gallery:
We have physically traveled to, onboarded, and scanned 5 new community members to add to our upcoming virtual exhibition. Each person represents a impactful project. Their coins are currently being created.
We hosted in person one on one DAO creation walk throughs and provided initial launch funding for these 4 DAOs:
- Sage and Cedar DAO: Afro indigenous hip-hop group from San Francisco, Bay Area. From trap to boom bap we plants seeds for liberation.
- sageandcedar.sputnik-dao.near
- Danelions and Honey Bees DAO: Our mission is (1) to encourage people to maintain their health naturally with our holistic products and services; and (2) to support honeybees and other pollinators by educating people on sustainable consumer and gardening practices. We will allocate received funding to build our business and to fund local projects initiated by individuals, businesses or organizations to support pollinators.
- dandelions-and-honeybees.sputnik-dao.near
- Stained Essence DAO: Art collective creating perspectives rooted in optimistic realism, providing supportive spaces for impactful creative expression and prioritizing marginalized lived experiences.
*staining-essence.sputnik-dao.near - Liberation Wellness DAO: Education and connecting creators, leaders, & innovators, to their highest self through strength, health, & mindset.
- liberation-wellness.sputnik-dao.near
DAO Building:
Our team has been learning about sociocracy and leaning towards structuring ourselves in this way. The For Product Model game has been slowly developing over the month as we hold regular meetings to flesh out what makes sense and how to pull it into tangible form.