[PROPOSAL] Primordia DAO Onboarding - March 2022

Primordia DAO Onboarding - March 2022

Primordia DAO has a goal to launch 100 DAOs on Near in 2022. Our communities are historically disenfranchised, excluded humans globally that we would like to guide into this beautiful ecosystem, building relationships of reciprocity along the way. Our direct and extended communities have the capacity of 12 million people meaningfully engaging on Near by December 2022. Primodria DAO, emerging from Kindness Grocery Coop, The Kin DAO, and Hyphae, Primordia is the next stage. Primordia is a year-long project DAO serving as onboarding for communities traditionally excluded through art-based solutions. As Kin DAO expands to onboard more and more of our community and blooms out of the underground, we create a project DAO that focuses directly on onboarding our communities. This enables Kin DAO to exist individually to focus on their primary goal of curating collective land purchase and developing regenerative practices while collaborating with newly onboarded DAOs to welcome, teach and guide more traditionally excluded communities that are traditionally art and wellness focused. This will ultimately create more Web3 community leaders that are equipped with the skills to self govern, self create, teach and onboard uniquely.

March Onboarding Roadmap:

  • Council of 6 DAOs will collectively work to onboard up to 6 more DAOs that are already doing important work aligned with our visions of creative wellness, sustainability, and equity. Current Council:
    • Kin DAO : Using the digital to bring equitable systems to the physical through collective land purchase & regenerative practice.
      • thekindao.sputnik-dao.near
    • EFAM DAO : A place where,EFAM; Essential Food and Medicine, can bring into Web3 the important work we do in the world of re-indiginizing our community’s relationship to land, food and medicine and build a healthy world.
      • efam.sputnik-dao.near
    • Sage and Cedar DAO : Afro indigenous hip-hop group from San Francisco, Bay Area. From trap to boom bap we plants seeds for liberation.
      • sageandcedar.sputnik-dao.near
    • Dandelions and Honey Bees DAO : Our mission is (1) to encourage people to maintain their health naturally with our holistic products and services; and (2) to support honeybees and other pollinators by educating people on sustainable consumer and gardening practices. We will allocate received funding to build our business and to fund local projects initiated by individuals, businesses or organizations to support pollinators.
    • Staining Essence DAO : Art collective creating perspectives rooted in optimistic realism, providing supportive spaces for impactful creative expression and prioritizing marginalized lived experiences.
      • staining-essence.sputnik-dao.near
    • Liberation Wellness DAO : Educating and connecting creators, leaders, & innovators, to their highest self through strength, health, & mindset.
      • liberation-wellness.sputnik-dao.near

Budget: 3000 USD in NEAR

  • $600 (100 USD per DAO) - to fund the creation of 6 DAOs on astro DAO with extra funds to create their wallets
  • $2000 - 60+ hours (10 hrs per DAO + on call support) of one on ones walking through Web3 understandings & DAO creation with each DAO
  • $400 - DAO / Onboarding training of new DAO members on how to onboard new members to their unique DAO