[REPORT] JUNE Monthly Report - IIMG

Hello NEARians,

Project Name: Indian Indie Music Guild

Project status: In progress

Report duration: June 2022

@shivangarora - Co-Founder, Council
@niveditalakra - Co-Founder, Council
avantinagral.near - Council (@avantinagral)
@officialtarana - Council (@komorebi.music)
oshojain.near - Council (@oshojain_)

The month of June has been exciting for IIMG and for the Indian Indie music space.

Activities in June -

  1. Through the IIMG Artist Scholarship, we funded TWO talented emerging indie artists to create more music, and minted their music as $NEAR NFTs.

Here are the links to their NFTs -
Aanshika - Can You Tell?
Suneet Rawat - Tu Hai Kahin

  1. We minted music NFTs for two more IIMG arists, and are currently working with 6 other artists as well for this week.

Links to their NFTs -
Dev Sharma - Din Bhar
Asmay Patil - Chahu Tujhe

  1. We worked on building a music NFT community on various social platforms like Instagram, Discord and Twitter, and we also created a WhatsApp group for our scholarship applicants to help them with NFT onboarding, and created 20 NEAR wallets. We’re working closely with all the members of our community to onboard them and get their wallets created.

Through various community building exercises like NFT workshops, discord open mics and the artist scholarship programme with established Indian indie artists on our jury, we have created a strong community of 730 members across Discord and Instagram. We are constantly working to grow this community and onboard them to the NEAR ecosystem.

Summary -

Socials - 750 members
NFTs created - 4
NFTs to be created this week - 6
Wallets created - 20
Wallets to be created this week - 25

Targets for this month -
NFTs - 30
Wallets - 100

Thanks for your support, NEAR and KalakendraDAO!

We are looking forward to a great month ahead.

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Thank you, @shivangarora and IIMG for being on NEAR Protocol. I wish your journey in Web3 Continues

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