Categories: Creatives, Creatives DAO
Tags: guild-reports, monthly-reports, hype-dao
April Monthly Report
Project Name: Hype DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Council members:
Ev3reth.near (now retired)
Balance: current account balance 239.96 N
Report on Twitter Spaces:
Twitter Spaces continue regularly every Saturday. This month Hype DAO welcomed a new cohost, SG, a frequent Spaces attendee and pixel artist. The increased number of speakers and the Spaces running longer than three hours require help for the host!
Report on Medium Blog:
April saw two blogs posted to HypeDAO’s Medium blog. The first one about the history of Hype Battle included a video interview. The second blog featured small NFT projects that are contributing to charity. We increased views and subscribers on the second blog and are continuing to look for ways to increase views and blog subscribers.
Report on Social Media: New councilmembers Loam started increasing community engagement with Twitter and Ligaya brought life to the Telegram group with some members and new ideas.
Highlights: HypeDAO welcomes new councilmember Ligaya, and says farewell to long time member Ev3reth. We expect to add one more councilmember in May to help us bring utility to the $HYPE token. We look forward to expanding the projects and artists we Hype!
Accounting: Due to the changes in the council we will pay out the April budget proposals for Twitter Spaces, social media management and one blog article from the current treasury as we reevaluate our current projects and budget writing process.
Discord: Discord
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @hypedao
Medium: HypeDAO - Medium