[REPORT] Fluxus’ Updates: Funding for NEARCON and its results

This report aims at summarizing all the progress made by the Fluxus Finance team after receiving the funding for attending NEARCON 2022 in Lisbon (you can find the Proposal here), and sharing it with the community and DAO members. Fluxus team managed to attend the event in a group of 5 people, which participated actively in the Hackathon, speeches, side events, and social interactions.

(Fluxus team in Lisbon and Hacking at NEARCON).

Now, over a month after returning from this amazing experience, we have gathered all of our achievements and we’re proud to share updates and numbers for Fluxus Finance.

Partnerships and integrations:

As mentioned in our proposal, we wanted to connect closely with all the protocols we’re already integrated or partnered up with, as well as develop ongoing relationships with other protocols who could become future partners and collaborators. That said, we were able to finish integrations with protocols into Vision (our portfolio visualization feature, mentioned in the report), and also boost the development of this feature with a lot of real-time feedback during the event and interaction with other developers.

Also regarding integrations, we were able to expand our contacts inside projects across the NEAR ecosystem, which enabled us to kick off nice initiatives, such as #FluxusFridays (our weekly Twitter spaces on Fridays with projects and teams building on NEAR as guests). Since then, we were able to host 5 episodes, having Hack-a-Chain, Stader, PembRock, Dante, and FarSwap as guest speakers. This is a result of well-done personal interactions at the conference, with a lot more to come. Fluxus Finance was also accepted into the Encode <> NEAR Accelerator Program, which has given us successful insights and achievements for development and business.

Community growth:

Some of our given success metrics and expected outcomes, at the end of the proposal, were “increase our impressions on Twitter posts, reach more accounts through Instagram stories (event coverage), and increase our Twitter, Instagram, and discord community”. We managed to get awesome results, even exceeding our expectations:

  • Increase Twitter impressions, posts, and community: By the time of the proposal, our Twitter page had around 12k impressions on the 28-day-summary, and around 500 followers. Combining all our internal strategies, as well as using the opportunity from being at the conference, we managed to reach an ATH of almost 80k impressions, approximately 2.500 followers, and over 100% increase in profile visits, tweets, and mentions in our Twitter by the end of September. By combining an amazing opportunity with hard work, we managed to expand our reach.
  • Reach more accounts through Instagram (event coverage): Through the official account of Pollum, which is the Software Studio that bootstraps Fluxus’ development, and under the identification and visual identity of NEAR Floripa (also mentioned in the proposal), we managed to conduct interviews with project founders and builders from the NEAR ecosystem at the conference, and also produced real-time coverage of the event and side-events (showing infrastructure, opportunities and showing the event itself). As brought by the proposal, this content was made in Portuguese, for the Brazilian community, and in the parts where we had to do it in English, we managed to insert Portuguese subtitles. This content can be found and visualized by anyone on Instagram, in the official Pollum account (@pollum.io). There is a Stories Highlights section dedicated to NEARCON 2022 and plenty of posts throughout the feed. Through Instagram’s analytics, we saw that we ended up managing to reach over 3k accounts, accumulating more than 300 likes (only considering NEARCON posts), and almost 4k visualizations.
  • Telegram and Discord communities: By the time of the proposal, our Telegram was still very early, with almost 20 members, and our Discord had nearly 100 members. Nowadays, we count on more than 150 members on Telegram and almost 600 members on Discord.

Delivered content:

Our proposal described the specific content we intended on delivering. That said, we managed to successfully bring the event coverage in Portuguese and the interviews (above explained where to find the content!). Regarding interviews, we managed to interview Illia (Near Founder), as well as founders/collaborators from PembRock, Endless, and Mintbase through video, and there’s more to come through text. This automatically connects to the last deliverables: NEARCON recap, and State of DeFi on NEAR, which will be through text. These are already done and will be released soon (within the next weeks), adequating our posts schedule :slight_smile:

Final considerations:

Once again, we thank you all for believing in Fluxus Finance and helping us to participate in such an amazing experience. Our project is thriving and we have been able to expand our reach, our partnerships, and our overall vision of the ecosystem. We highly appreciate this Foundation, this Blockchain, and this community.

More amazing things are near!


Thanks for posting your report. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for the kind words, @cryptocredit! :slight_smile:

This is great! keep it up guys :raised_hands:

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