Hello everybody! Hello September! Month of Near with NEARCON. These are going to be extremely exciting days in Lisbon. We have a lot of exciting content planned for this month. Below is our proposal for September. Also, you can check our report in the last month here: August Report
1. Social Media
Till end of September, we are expecting to reach:
-Impressions: min 1M
-Infographics: 200
-Main content: Promote for NEARCON (before and after), Connect & support for new projects from NEARCON
Continuing to remain in the top 3 media channels with the best content quality in recent months
-Channel: 2000 subscribers
-Group: 3200 members
2. Activities
This month, we will organization 10 AMAs with:
The Auciton, Atmos, Stader, Ref Finance, Astro DAO, Konect, Enter Sphere Game, Burrow, Swap Bitssa, Loorz
3. Support Projects in the Near ecosystem
10 projects this month, Check here:
Guild - Near - Google Sheets
6 infographics for each and Neargames (every month)
=> Total: 65 tasks
And long run support about announcement like retweet, news updates, etc
4. Requested budget for September
- Social Media (Twitter + Telegram): $3000
- Activities (AMAs): $1000 ($1000 for each)
*Last month we proposed 13 AMAs, but 4 more AMAs have arisen by the end of the month, so I will add it to the proposal this month: $400 - Support 10 projects: $3000 ($300 for each)
- Moderator Telegram: $320 (Up salary because the number of members has increased, and he has to be more active)
- Content Leader: $600
Total: $8320
We will send a report at the end of the month.
Wallet ID: near_insider.near
Amount: 8320 USD
Near Insider Guild