NEARCon Report

Reporting From Lisbon: I consider our time at NEARCon a success. We hit our tangible goals and developed relationships we believe will continue to help us build thriving communities in web3. We have more contacts scheduled and to be followed up but here are some of the highlights…

Between the two different NFTS, we dropped into almost 100 different wallets from our collect site. Similar will be used in the tour site for Asher Roth, releasing this week. Our enrollmint app has seen 500+ users since first being deployed during NEARcon. It was top 10 in the ecosystem for transaction activity during the conference.
Near Account arrozdoor.near | NearBlocks

Hackathon Submission: Our idea was built on using existing social apps to facilitate DAO participation. So, instead of having to vote on separate apps, DAO members could vote through polls on Twitter, IG, Reddit etc, while still remaining on-chain without leaving the apps theyre already familiar with.

Other Notes: Discussions with the Mintbase team continued, specifically with Luis and his Minsta dapp. We had extensive conversations and help develop further ideas that could be applied to the app, and have since followed up post-conference to put ideas into practice.

Performance: I performed two sets on back-to-back nights at Arroz Estudios. Here is a clip for the first night.

Other Social Content Gathered:

Connections and Conversations: I connected with Lachlan Glen of Few and Far about how we can contribute to more favorable playability options for audio NFTs.

A Twitter Rant Inspired a Rally Amongst the Ecosystem To Create New Metadata Standards

We also connected with several developers we are hopeful will join the team in some contributions.

I am happy to elaborate on anything else or answer any more questions. I hope that my report instills confidence in the approval of my proposal and my contributions to the Near Ecosystem.



Thank you for sharing your report @rhymetaylor