This is a report on the Flipping Samples show organized for music producers.
Producers were given two samples to make a beat out of.
12 beats were submitted and all entries were uploaded to the NXM YouTube channel.
Top two winners were chosen by the council @Wiswiz @Paul based on
- Creativity
- Uniqueness
- Good sounding
on the 26th and the community was asked to vote for third place via a telegram poll.
Winners were announced on the 27th on the beatdao telegram channel.
Top 3 Beats from the Flipping Samples Show have been minted on the official BeatDAO store on Mintbase, with a royalty split of 90% for the producer and 10% for the dao treasury.
The top 3 producers also received their DAI rewards
1st Position : Raddit Echoman (raditechoman.near) 150DAI
Mintbase link:
2nd Position: Jugleboy
(nosa.near) 100DAI
Mintbase link:
3rd Position: YN Bien
(deroy.near) 50DAI
Mintbase link:
Thank you,