[Report] January 2024 / NDC HoM / odin
My congressional participation for the month of January includes, but is not limited to the following.
• Continued review of the NDC Trust Instrument / Governance framework and consistent reference to and application of said framework within internal discussions and deliberations surrounding processes and procedures within the NDC. Applied additional considerations for the budget reduction imposed by the NEAR Foundation and the Trust.
• Began familiarizing myself with the structure of the Cayman Island legal entity, NDC Services Inc and the contracting / service provider engagement functions it affords to the Trust and subsequently to the NDC.
• Attended coordination calls for the NDC Internal Legal Working Group.
• Participated in discussions and planning with regard to the formation of designated roles within congress; the purpose of which is to create responsible parties for specific operational and Governance related tasks. Advised on the remuneration structure for the new roles and reccomended: (1) a $500.00 monthly reduction per role during the period of time while HoM operates on a reduced $1M budget [disregarded], and (2) that congressional salaries should be paid out by calculating the average price of $NEAR in the month for which payment is being made [implemented].
• Participated and/or stayed up to date on internal HoM and Congress discussions in development and review of NDC processes and procedures as they apply to the review and assesment of GDAO and direct funding requests to HoM.
• Attended all scheduled internal HoM weekly calls except for January 4th call, which was missed due to a holiday blackout in my schedule.
• Conducted thorough review and assesment of GDAO, project, and operational funding requests, voting accordingly on proposals.
• Attended working group calls related to the development of a new voting mechanism to stay informed as a member of congress.
• Stayed informed on the continued discussions regarding ecosystem Business Development and which entities are most suited to take primary ownership of related initiatives. My current opinion and understanding is that the NEAR Foundation has a strong BD team and is best positioned to provide the highest value and ROI as compared to other funding nodes.
• Proactively engaged the Heroes Build team to begin discussions and planning on how their platform can best serve the operational and growth development requirements of the NDC, while simultaneously stimulating the gig economy on NEAR.
• Proactively engaged the DeFiShards team to formulate a plan for the creation of a post launch funding proposal to support their project as a new ecosystem service.
• Stepped up as the lead from HoM to coordinate and support the redevelopment of the Skyward Launchpad by members of the SHITZU Community to provide the ecosystem with a permissionless price discovery and token distribution platform. Began active planning and build efforts with the core contributors to the project.
• Took point from HoM to coordinate with the NEAR Compliance Lead and an outside builder group for the development of a landing page for kyc.near.org, designed to serve as a single location for all recipients of funding from the Community Treasury to complete and maintain their required KYC/KYB credentials.