NxM Live FB page has been created, where I am promoting NxM events on various music groups. Here you can see detailed stats for August in excel file, downloaded from FB,
NxM FB events are being created and they are being shared on Near&Music Guild as well on various music groups via NxM FB page,
In August 20 new members has joined to the Near&Music Guild. Here you can find insight stats about the group in excel from August,
Thanks @Paul! Love the use of the excel sheet, would be really cool to see it used for all the socials. Maybe this is something that can be prepared for the coming month? We can get all the social team to use the same sheet to contribute to a tab and input their numbers and insights. What do you think?
Yeah, that would be great to see it, however I am not exactly sure if Instagram and Twitter can provide such detailed stats like FB.
But, we can create one excel sheet and we can
manually collect data from IG and Twitter (together with FB of course), such as: gained followers, reactions to post or how many ppl saw particular post etc. I believe such data can be seen.
That’d be a cool idea…in my own case of keeping metrics now i use the Twitter Bookmark to save all my posts for the month of September for easy assessment of analytics. Any way y’all think is better is fine by me
I am absolutely clueless when it comes to tracking metrics on Instagram, outside of keeping a tally on gained followers. I could manually go back and chart likes/comments on interactions, tho, if needed.