[Report] Facebook July 2021

Quick update what have been done regarding NxM facebook group:

  • several new members have joined to the group,
  • updates regarding NxM events, playlists, contests were sharing systematically,

What will be done in August:

  • creation FB events about NxM parties as a library of upcoming events (including information about different time zones, place and description). Such transparent library should help others to follow up the events or plan to be there,
  • continuation of updates regarding NxM events, playlists, contests, etc.,
  • recruit at least 10 new members.

Also, I am trying to connect with artists on various FB music groups, spreading knowledge about NxM group.

I see future of facebook group as a place where people can share their WIP arts/music, get transparent information about upcoming events, share with others their music and socialize with artists to collabs.

Payout: 100N


Thanks @Paul! Can you add the payout of 100 N for managing the FB and the payout ‘target’ in this post please! Then you can submit it to the DAO :slight_smile:

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@Paul the edit looks good. Please do submit this to the NxM-DAO and let me know here or in the TG group!

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Thank you @vandal and @Paul.
This sounds good, can you post the link to the FB Group?

Is there also a FB page?
A strategy that could help with growth if you also have a FB Page:

  • Identify the best music-oriented FB Groups, filter out all the spammy ones, and join the groups with the NxM FB Page
  • Create a post on your FB Page
  • Click on Share
    Screenshot 2021-08-12 at 18.06.52
  • Share the post as the NxM Music Page in 5 to 10 of the best music-oriented FB Groups and make an engaging comment about it, try to get people to reply to it, this increases the reach of the post. Could be a comment like “This is the new Jimi Hendrix” people will feel triggered to respond, increasing engagement and reach.
    If you do this consistently, you will grow your FB Page.
  • Promote the FB Group inside your FB Page
  • Repeat

This will take some time to do, but works really well, as you can see in the spike when I did it on NEAR FB:
Screenshot 2021-08-12 at 18.16.25

Just a free idea, hope it helps!


This is great input, thanks!

Thanks @JMaenen for the golden tip! FB page of NxM will be available soon, meanwhile feel free to join to the FB group:

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