[REPORT] Experience Design for NFT - March 2022

March Monthly Report - fra DAO

Project Status : [ in progress ]
Guild : Atelier Techne Studio

Report: Experience Design March 2022

Status: in progress (last week)
Project members : @frado frado.near @hiimf hiimf.near @raissalaban raissa.near

Project Accounting : current account balance 280 USD

fradao.sputnik-dao.near / frado.near

project link: https://gov.near.org/t/approved-fra-dao-overview-march-2022-budget/16189

Updated Project Timeline :

PDF Art Assistance in Photoshop and GIMP, print screen:

prestação março PDF

Highlights :

@frado ended up getting sick with fever during 03 weeks, but with the collaboration and professionalism of these women members of fraDAO, we did not let the proposal collapse, we want to thank @adrianatavares who came to add to our team, @raissalaban who turned nights translating content into English and creating graphic materials, @hiimf who gave the council support while working on our infrastructure and marketing team, which I will speak in another specific REPORT to marketing.
The Photoshop assistance to the women in our community, opened many creative horizons and overcame many digital vulnerabilities, acquiring a lot of knowledge, they are very excited waiting for the next proposal.

Learnings :

This was a month of a lot of learning for the 42 women who are inside our channel at DISCORD, only remain who are in the process engaged in the workshop, it is not a public channel of onboarding, nor contemplative, this strengthens immensely the community, the assistance is amazing, they really need this space to ask questions and learn photoshop techniques. We also learned that health is fundamental to touch the proposals and council service, we have to avoid burnout.
I learned that the DAOs https://marmaj.org/ , cudoDAO and Incubadora DAO are references of organizations to follow and replicate the way of making proposals and reporting. I apologize for the previous report, everything is clearer now.

Next Steps :

  • Finish the fradao.xyz website
  • propose monthly art assistances on digital creations.
  • introduce the sound universe to our community.
  • to calmly receive some indigenous artists, always thinking about their cultural and social preservation.
  • Create meetings of our community
  • Expand our knowledge and take artists out of the vulnerability zone
  • Branding Core Team creation
  • Begin to develop our metaverse in nearhub and avatars
  • create a 3D team dev.
  • keeping AfroSTAR propose of experience design

Thank you



Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 00.19.04

About workshop certification:

Translate description to english:

Certificate of completion of the course Workshop XP for NFT with the wonderful @fradao @fra_dao in which I learned so much new stuff that I will be forever grateful for this fantastic opportunity for personal and artistic growth! In this course Art by https://twitter.com/SarmanhoMairy was born.


Hi @hiimf thanks for supporting!
I would like to thanks Adriana, Laura, Raissa, Flora and Narau for having supported me when I needed it most. I was sick, with a fever :cold_face: :face_with_thermometer:, for more than 07 days and you guys gave incredible support to keep strong this proposal for all the incredible women in this community. Thank you, love you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Now i´m ok! :dizzy:

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