[REPORT] Experience Design for NFT- fraDAO - April 2022

April Monthly Report - fra DAO

Project Status : [ in progress ]
Guild : Atelier Techne Studio

Report: Experience Design April 2022

Status: in progress
Project members : @frado frado.near @hiimf hiimf.near @raissalaban raissa.near @Narau narau.near and @Adrianatavares adrianatavares.near

Project Accounting : current account balance(near+DAI) 540 USD (Flowting value because NEAR price)
Current account balance in DAI: 449.97 DAI
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fradao.sputnik-dao.near / frado.near

project link: [APPROVED] fra-DAO - overview- April 2022 budget

Updated Project Timeline :

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PDF file print screen:


Highlights :

Maintaining our values, which are the free workshops, taking our elderly artists out of social and technological vulnerability, raising the artistic quality of the project with free assistance, creating the concept of the Win-Win-Win project, everyone wins and our ecosystem grows in an organic way, because in parallel we end up bringing family members to give prestige to their grandmothers, mothers, aunts, daughters, girlfriends, and elderly collectors. And, above all, creating a very positive affective bond for the NEAR protocol, something fundamental to the NEAR branding project.

Learnings :

This was a month of a lot of learning for the more than 50 women who are inside our channel at DISCORD, only remain who are in the process engaged in the workshop, it is not a public channel of onboarding, nor contemplative, this strengthens immensely the community, the assistance is amazing, they really need this space to ask questions and learn photoshop and images app techniques.

@hevertonharieno @cryptocredit @so608 @satojandro
While FraDAO’s artists remain in our community, in the NEAR protocol, we have more work to do to support them, as there are many fraudulent messages and invitations to projects using the NEAR name.
Our artists of the fraDAO community always receive some suspicious invitations, asking about support on projects that are offered in the name of NEAR. We want to know how to proceed with these situations? :rotating_light:

The more fraDAO grows, we have more social responsibility to maintain the NEAR brand clear. Please, I would like you to investigate this link if possible, they say they are part of NEAR’s blockchain, inviting artists to be part of new projects and I couldn’t find anything about them on the near forum: :face_with_monocle:

Mighty Kennel Republic 

Discord Group: https://discord.gg/ugNXD7anaY

Welcome to the official Mighty Kennel Republic account, Launching TBD, only on Near Protocol.


A list of our onboarding community:
izabellazippinotti.near; bellamoscoso1.near; carolvital.near; adrianatavares.near; itsnotforu.near; daliart.near; toiadmt.near; ninagani.near; nicomarengo.near; xubr.near; geloroxo.near; solanastar.near; viamoras.near; taniabonin.near; mairysarmanho.near; jocaocao.near; marcelacrosman.near; hiimh.near; irmasgelli.near; raissa.near; ifalade256.near; niquinha.near; pbborges.near; katiapolitzer.near; soph.near; rosianedourado.near; julianapadilha.near; dudacoutinho.near; paulaguimaraes.near; agnesbee.near; marinaribas.near; nathalia_p.near; marcellafranca.near; utautz.near; nidacosta.near; alicepereira.near; lagolagoa.near; gabrielacastro.near; gikavereza.near; mnk-lima.near; giorgiaalbertini.near; mari_posa.near; noemi_anana.near; isabelscarlazzari.near; vjrainarosa.near; deniseararipe.near; marcela_berrio.near; itsnotforu.near; tetesilva.near; cristinafroment.near; rchlls.near; angelabarbour.near … i will update more 12 accounts soon.

Next Steps :

  • Finish the fradao.xyz website, creating a motion graphic and appoint to our Domain

  • Buy : adobe license, site plugin, promote ads

  • propose monthly art assistances on digital creations.

  • Workshop for audio/podcast and sound art

  • to calmly receive some indigenous artists, always thinking about their cultural and social preservation.

  • Create meetings of our community and Twitter AMA’s

  • Expand our knowledge and take artists out of the vulnerability zone

  • Branding Core Team creation

  • Begin to develop our metaverse in nearhub and avatars

  • create a 3D team dev.

  • Send to AfroSTAR and @sterryo all ready nearhubs files (glb) and all text contents of the ready Discord channels… and them decide how to proceed it with their community. Decentralizing process. We are here to be available in case if you have any questions or need support, all the material can be used by AfroStar.
    @hevertonharieno aqui deixarei informações referente ao saldo de 449,97 DAI.
    Temos 03 itens para gastar no valor de:
    1- Adobe License (Abril): 350 USD
    2- Mintbase space storage(Abril) : 80 USD
    3- Plugin for site(fevereiro): 50 USD
    Total para gastar: 480 DAI
    lembrando que no ultimo recebimento de Abril, tivemos uma desvalorização na conversão do valor do projeto, de NEAR para DAI. Para resolver essa falta, farei a compra do ADOBE license e colocarei 30 USD da minha wallet, se não for um problema.
    Em breve irei resolver isso.

Here is Our Social Media Accounts.

Instagram: Login • Instagram

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fra_dao

facebook: Fradao





:revolving_hearts: :dizzy: very happy to be part of fra_dao!

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Thanks for sharing your report.

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Hello guys,

happy to see another report from you. I miss just a few updates that might improve your report: if you describe the funds you still have in your treasury, put it nearby and explain why. This is a good way to provide clarity and explanation as to why certain requested funds could not yet be distributed =)

Let me know if you have some question :wink:


Hi @hevertonharieno i edited the REPORT with more details information about our finances.

Coloquei um destaque, marcando vc, sobre os 03 itens que falta comprar.

Agradeço pelo ótimo suporte!


Perfeito @frado. Obrigado pelo Feedback. Na próxima, insira isso no cabeçalho, tal qual você pode ver aqui:

Essa informação é ótima para dar transparência a tudo que vocês tem feito e, no cabeçalho, facilita para a comunidade enxergar isso. =)


Agora que aprendi não esquecerei e facilitarei, lá em cima. Se permite irei editar e colocar corretamente as informações.
Agradeço por toda a sua atenção, ensinamento e paciência:)

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Lembrar da compra do Adobe license no dia 10 de maio e colocar no proximo report $320USD

adobe prestaçao de contas

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