[Report] Development of nearfellows.org, nearstart.org, nearpacific.com, and product shapers guild - ecosystem enhancements and services (Jan 1 → Jan 31 2022)

Project titles:
nearfellows.org - microsite to help new fellows
nearstart.org - decision tree for people new to near
nearpacific.com - regional education hub based in Vancouver
product shapers guild - product shaping-as-a-service and product management-as-a-service


Jan 1 → 30, 2022 (Vancouver)

The following list are the results obtained:

  • Product Shapers Guild - link
  • Decision tree / soon to be nearstart.org - link
  • nearfellows.org microsite with Charlie as well as some meet/greets - link
  • nearpacific.com - a meeting point for NEARians in the Pacific Northwest and hopefully a way to onboard Developers into the web3/ecosystem (I live in Vancouver and have a big network here)

Additional info:
Excellent discussions took place this month with many NEARians Alina at INC4, Andres, Claudio, Sofia, Shashi, Sherif, Harshit, James, Charlie, Abdisalam, and others (If I missed your name, please accept my apology).

I also had more than a dozen discussions with Developers, Designers, and other Entrepreneurs and leaders in my professional and personal network that were curious about what I’m working on. I invited a few of them to apply to NEAR as fellows as well.


Project titles:
nearfellows.org - microsite to help new fellows (now closed)
nearstart.org - decision tree for people new to near
nearpacific.com - regional education hub based in Vancouver
product shapers guild - product shaping-as-a-service and product management-as-a-service


Feb 1 → 28, 2022 (Vancouver)

The following list are results obtained:

Product Shapers Guild - started mentoring and test marketing my product services with Blockaday.ca - a Vancouver based web3 education startup. Had multiple group and 1:1 sessions with the core team, founder, and co-founder and it has helped me shape a more clear course and product thesis for the guild.

Decision tree - found some options for building v2, chatted with Frado about it, made a small update based on feedback

nearfellows.org - project no longer being pursued and is being abandoned due to changes in the fellowship program

nearpacific.com - have met with several groups locally and spoken with multiple Developers, Designers, and web3 enthusiasts about my activities with NEAR through my personal LinkedIn network. Developed a strong relationship with Blockaday web3 education group which may turn into something more substantial in March.

Genorati.com - Have completed team building and onboarding with Matt (UX), Chris (Dev), and Charlie has joined as well. Had multiple meetings with individuals with Machine learning and AI expertise, updated the project document, with Charlie created a survey via Landbot, had two calls with Fritz to implement the survey across his network and via learnnear, launched the website to launch our survey (early March).

UPDATE on Genorati: I have a verbal agreement with the team that we will produce some educational content that will benefit and provide further use for fellows and to the University

Meetings this month with many NEARians and potential NEARians: Daiki (ML/AI), Two AI/ML Engineers on LinkedIn, Joaquim, and over two dozen others (ask me if you want more info).

Note: some time was taken away to attend to a personal matter (unwell parent), and the international crisis.

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