[report] C1 guild November

C1 is excited to be closing the month of November strong, and with big plans in sight for the coming month and year.

Attached are the following report links. The month may look slow due to the fact that the social media and outreach aspect of our month to month operations did not happen. Instead we were focused on the weekly seminars, building the community through bounties, lining up the cipher and planning some bigger steps for the future.

Our mintbase Auction House is also getting built up nicely.

c1auctionhouse.mintbase1.near - Mintbase Store

  1. Seminars
    C1 TV Workshop December budget

  2. Cipher update
    C1 Cipher (Status Update)

  3. Graphics and web
    Graphics and web report

  4. Bounties
    Bounties report November

C1 is excited for December and our budget submission. It will be a busy month with releases, AMAs, internal marketing, and over all awesomeness.


Nicely done @JCB ….we hope for more development in C1 Guild with the plans on the table this December,LFG.


with the impact of c1 guild to the community, we are loved @JCB