[report] beat dao/community management for february

The Beat DAO is on a roller coaster at the moment, We have seen global onboarding lately, some of which was as a result of the enthusiasm of new council member @Wiswiz , The community growth and expansion can be clearly seen. The month of February was quite busy due to the volume of work that the Beat DAO engaged itself in plus so many collaborations it involved in.
Below are the activities we engaed in for the month embedded with links to their various reports

For Beat DAO Socials: [REPORT] BeatDAO Twitter/IG/Telegram FEB-22

BeatDAO x NearNauts Anthem hunt

Beat DAO Participation in Vandao, Graffiti DAO collab

Beat DAO Beat Attack

Beat DAO Monthly Beat Competition

Beat DAO Musical Oasis

Please note, that all unconcluded projects here are by ongoing sequence and completion, Take as an example the BeatDAO Musical Oasis and the Beat DAO x NearNauts anthem hunt

The month of February was quite a busy one and all council members put in so much work in running the DAO and conveniently flowed with its expansion. The council is requesting the requisite 30% for its duties in managing the community and being of enabling service to its community members.

Cheers to you council

Infinite love as always