[Report] A.I. Dragon Goa - Midterm report

A.I. DRAGON GOA (April 4-20, 2024) - Midterm Report

This is a progress report, a little over halfway through our initial A.I. Dragon Goa prototype series. We’ve already learned a lot and gleaned a lot of insights, with a growing list of elements and ideas to further trial during our forthcoming Thailand visit.

Full report with photos, video and findings to come, following the conclusion of the “A.I. Dragon” series.

Introduction to A.I. Dragon

A.I. Dragon is a prototype Knowledge/Arts series, trialling the implementation of certain emerging technologies, into everything from managing shows/festivals, helping artists & communities self-resource, and improve the quality of live & virtual experiences. Furthermore, how can these particular technologies, “help save the world”?

From April 4-20th in North Goa, A.I. Dragon is hosting tech-focused workshops, meetups and select VR events / private experiences.

Events of NEAR Interest

Across A.I. Dragon - alike an intimate conversation starter - we’re running small live events & sessions, with a cascade of different styles, themes and approaches.

Relevant to NFT tickets and NEAR wallets:

  • Thu. April 4 - Live blockchain/AI presentations, workshops (25-30 people)
  • Thu. April 11 - “Casual Crypto Meetup” (12-15 people)
  • Sat. April 13 - Goa Music Lab @ a live/hybrid event (20-25 people, many of the same)

Events still to come:

  • Tue. April 16 - HOR-style DJ broadcast from Lab, private audience
  • Thu. April 18 - “Casual Crypto Meetup - Finale”
  • Sat. April 20 - Recap event in the VR space, with preliminary media from the series
  • Several private workshops, TBD (e.g. ERC-20 token, Beginners Crypto, Mintbase NFTs)

// In this period we consider # of transactions per wallet, increasing this via following up with previous wallet holders about unlocking more content / spaces

Wallets / NFTs

  • 27 NFT “tickets” minted via Sharddog
  • 18 new NEAR wallets
  • 4 NFT claims were internal tests

Sharddog reports:

GLOA NFT ticket minting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a2raKJSzI9w5tVsir9a-Xovlz2ia_39e/view?usp=sharing
GLOA account / onboarding: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2sufo5mgtCCS9EjuyIvrJph0PVVxBK3/view?usp=sharing

We were unable to onboard people for the following reported reasons:

  • 2 ppl did not want to participate with NFT tickets (Thu. April 4)
  • 7 ppl were prohibited from joining on Thu. April 4 - India telecoms restrictions, solved for some
  • 5 ppl were unable to join on Thu. April 11 - Sharddog issue, reported

Specifically for Sat. April 13:

  • 5 ppl found the NFT issue too complicated, and did not attend
  • 6 ppl could not find the location
  • 6 ppl fell behind with other plans, did not attend

We are attempting to action NEAR>MetaMask>Spatial.io for VR space token gating.


Thank you for your attention and good vibes. More to come…

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Thanks for your mid term reoort, looking forward to see your full one at the end of the month.

Have a nice day

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