[Rejected] NDC EduDAO V1 GrassrootDAO proposal | HOM-004P-1-1-1 Ecosystem

# Section 1 - DAO/Project Information

  • Organization Name: EduDAO
  • Proposal Title: NDC EduDAO V1 GrassrootDAO proposal | HOM-004P-1-1-1 Ecosystem
  • When was your DAO / Project established? Dec 15, 2023.
  • DAO’s Category (Ecosystem/Gaming/NFT/Regional Development/Marketing): Ecosystem, Regional Development
  • Project’s Category (Community Led, Gaming/NFT/Defi etc): Community Led

# Section 2. Previous Funding

  • Have you received funding for this project from any source? No
  • Any source of funding. This may include NEAR Foundation Grants, and existing GDAOs, among others. No

# Section 3. DAO URLs

  • DAO / Project Website: edudao (dot) sputnik-dao (dot) near
  • Social Media Distribution Channels: Telegram, Youtube;
  • Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country? No.
  • Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Globally

# Section 4. Applicant Information

  • Name of Point of Contact (The pseudonymous name the community knows you is acceptable. However, note that you will have to complete KYC to be able to receive funding from NDC): Will Dinh
  • Link to Governance Forum/near social Profile: edudao(dot)sputnik-dao(dot)near
  • NEAR Wallet ID: [edudao(dot) sputnik-dao (dot) near]
  • Wallet ID that will be receiving funds: [edudao(dot)sputnik-dao (dot) near](app(dot)astrodao(dot)com/dao/edudao (dot) sputnik-dao (dot) near)
  • Country of Residence: Australia, Vietnam, Korea
  • Twitter, Telegram: [t(dot) me/ willdinh]
  • LinkedIn: [linkedin(dot) com/ in/ ngocthanhdinh/]
  • Additional Relevant Links (add any other links to resources that highlight your work or involvement with NEAR ecosystem. This may include your portfolio, GitHub, etc.): [web3-hackfest (dot) devfolio (dot) co/], [web3-code-challenge (dot) devpost (dot) com/]

# Section 5. Team Members

  • Please provide information about Team Members.

Dr. Will Dinh, Soongsil University, South Korea (EduDAO founder, willdinh)

Dr. Hung Dang, National University of Singapore, Singapore (graduated PhD in blockchain)

Dr. Tri Nguyen, Oulu University, Finland (graduated PhD in blockchain)

Lecturer (blockchain), Khoa Vo, Vietnam National University, Vietnam

Lecturer (blockchain), Thanh Dang, FPT University, Vietnam

# Section 6. Experience

What related qualifications, experience, or track record does your team bring to this initiative?

  • Short Summary of Your and Team’s Professional Experience:
  1. Will Dinh
  • Will Dinh is currently a lecturer with the Department of IT Convergence, Soongsil University, South Korea.

  • Associate Editor (responsible for blockchain topics), IEEE Access (Top Q1 journal in blockchain research). As an editor, I interact and process papers of 500+ experts in the field (lecturers, professors, PhD candidates,…)

  • Lead of Datachain research group and coordinator of PhD program in blockchain at Vietnam National University in HoChiMinh city, Vietnam.

  • Head of Techfest Vietnam Blockchain Hub, Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology

  • ex-Scientist, CSAIL, MIT, MA, USA

  • ex-PhD research, School of Computer Science and IT, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, and National ICT Australia

  • Have 13+ years of experience in lecturing and researching in Internet of Things and Cloud computing, 5G-6G networking, next-generation networks, blockchain, and ICT convergence research.

  • General chair and TPC chair of several leading international tech conferences such as ACIS/IEEE International Symposium on Emotional Artificial Intelligence & Metaverse, Springer ICIT, IEEE ATC,ICOIN 2024,…

  • Founder, VBI Blockchain Dev&Tech Forum with 43k members, VBI Blockchain Dev&Tech Youtube Channel (6.3k subs), and VBI Academy.

  • CTO, GFI Ventures

  • Support NEAR Vietnam Hub for NEAR developer training 15+ bootcamps and bring NEAR blockchain programming courses into 7+ universities

  • Organizer of Web3Hackfest, and co-organize of NEARAPAC 2023.

  • Speaker at NEARCON 2022, at NEARAPAC2023

  • Judge at NEARCON Hackathon 2023

  • Supporter for NEAR BOS bootcamp & hackathon 2023, and Account Abstraction hackathon 2024

  • Vice-chairman, Vietnam Young Scientist Network, Youth Union, Vietnam Government

  • TOP 10 Outstanding Vietnamese Young Faces 2020 by Prime Minister, Golden Globe Award for Top 10 Tech Excellence from the Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, Honorary Citizen Award from Seoul Government, South Korea for technology contribution to the country.

(2) Hung Dang: have 7+ years of experience conducting research projects, and lecturing about cryptography, security, and blockchain. PhD graduated from National University of Singapore, Singapore. Publications and works: [scholar (dot) google (dot )com (dot) sg/citations?hl=en&user=FN190B8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate]

(3) Tri Nguyen: have 6+ years experience conducting research projects and lecturing about blockchain. PhD graduated from Oulu university, Finland. [scholar (dot) google (dot) fi/ citations?user=x7SaZsgAAAAJ&hl=en]

(4) Thanh Dang: lecturer (blockchain, big data,…), FPT University, Vietnam

(5) Khoa Vo: lecturer (blockchain, IT), Vietnam National University, Vietnam

  • List Web3 Projects You Have Completed:
    • Web3 Hackfest: [web3-hackfest (dot) devfolio (dot) co/]
    • Web3CodeChallenge: [web3-code-challenge (dot) devpost (dot) com/]
  • Live Links to Examples of Relevant Work:
    • Google scholar: [scholar (dot) google (dot) co (dot) kr/citations?user=Gn4f1boAAAAJ&hl=en]
    • Youtube: [youtube (dot) com/ watch?v=aYv-Oh-YYyg&t=1599s]
    • ICIT International Conference: [cse (dot) hcmut (dot) edu (dot) vn/icit2023/special.php]

# Section 7. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals

  • Project Overview: Presentation with a short High-Level 6 bullet points summary:

(Mission, Vision, Core programs and how they align with NDC’s NDC CoA Vision, team, and requested budget for the next three months Dec, Jan, Feb)

Vision: EduDAO Initiative gathers Web3 tech experts and KOL to support NEAR ecosystem’s growth through education, account acquisition, and talent nurturing. We train the next generation of dev&tech experts for NEAR.

Core Programs:

  • We decentralize education in NEAR by attract experts and motivate them to create lectures/courses for NEAR education
  • We integrate NEAR into our elearning system for account acquisition and onchain interaction through learning, designed with special features for NDC to track performance of EduDAO and community educator to support NEAR education and open courseware
  • We run EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev Forum and Weekly Web3 Global Tech Series Webinar
  • We create NEAR OpenCourseware with lecturer contributors and affiliate systems for account acquisition.

EduDAO objectives:

  • Attracting experts (lecturers, experienced developer, tech KOL,…) in the field to support NEAR ecosystem through outreach and EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev Forum
  • Transform them into educators for decentralized education for NEAR and motivate them to collaborate to create competitively high quality education content for NEAR through train the trainer program
  • Motivate them to attract their peers and students to learn about Web3, NEAR, and dev through their lecturing and mentoring, to create a trained dev&tech community for NEAR
  • Account acquisition and onchain activities through learning process with lecturers and affiliate
  • NDC intro and widening contributors to NEAR
  • Input human resources for other programs: research, incubation,…
  • Transparency and accountability for community led community building
  • Update latest blockchain and Web3 research and techniques to NEAR community
  • EduDAO is designed to optimize the cost for account acquisition by the time.


  • Main language in the forum and Tech Series: English
  • Course: English or local language

KPI, Milestones, and Budgets:

EduDAO initiative is designed to contribute to the ecosystem in multi-levels by the time and the executive strategy chosen is step-by-step to ensure the quality and risk control.

Step 1 (month 1): Web3 Global Tech Series (by NDC EduDAO)

  • Blockchain educator community making by gathering blockchain experts, experienced developers/builders and technical KOLs by running Web3 Global Tech Series (English) with EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev forum to discuss deep tech and weekly webinars.
  • Web3 Lecturer Certified Program preparation
  • Software implementation: implement features to support:
    • Transparent learning and lecturing tracking for EduDAO and NDC HoM/CoA to control the quality and learning process, account acquisition statistics, and learning progress of members in real time.
    • Course registration and NEAR account
    • Test and quiz systems for lectures
    • Rust, NEAR, BOS IDE integration for dev training
    • NEAR onchain course completion certificate
  • KPI:
    • EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev forum: 200+ members
    • Outreach: 50+ experts
    • 15+ discussion topics
    • 4+ Talks in Web3 Global Tech Series with 25+ views each
    • Web3 Lecturer Certified Program curriculum deliverables
    • Software feature implementation completion


|Council remuneration|$5000|
|Supporter, marketing, and operations cost|$1000|
|Software implementation partly|$5000|
|Web3 Global Tech Series|$1000|
|Lecturer incentive|0|
|Account acquisition incentive for lecturers and community referral system|0|
|Tools and service cost partly|500|

Step 2 (month 2): Train the Trainer

  • Web3 & NEAR Lecturer Certified Program

  • Forum discussion and Weekly Web3 Global Tech Series Webinar

  • Continuing software implementation

    • NEAR Onchain verifiable skills earning
    • Live event attendance checking plugin
    • Affiliate system for NEAR account acquisition and learning system onboarding
    • Course incentive funding proposal and request
  • Course trial programs: 2 selected course for the trial period

  • KPI:

  • EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev forum: 400+ members

  • Outreach: 50+ experts

  • 15+ discussion topics

  • 4+ Talks in Web3 Global Tech Series with 35+ views each

  • 100+ new NEAR accounts

  • Running Web3 Lecturer Certified Program with 20+ participants

  • Software feature implementation completion

  • Running 2 trial courses


|Council remuneration|$7000|
|Supporter, marketing, and operations cost|$1000|
|Software implementation partly|$5000|
|Web3 Global Tech Series|$1000|
|Lecturer incentive|$1000|
|Account acquisition incentive for lecturers and community referral system|$1000 (max)|
|Tools and service cost partly|$500|

Total budget for 2 months: $29000 (note, the account acquisition incentive may not use all, the left will be returned for next month)

Step 3 (month 3): NEAR OpenCourseware

  • NEAR OpenCourseware opens for all lecturers for course creation, and course incentive funding proposal and request.
  • NEAR OpenCourseware account acquisition affiliate program running
  • Web3 & NEAR Lecturer Certified Program
  • Continuing software implementation
    • NEAR dev open task system
    • Gamification for learning
  • Forum discussion and Weekly Web3 Global Tech Series Webinar

*** KPI:**

  • EduDAO Web3 Tech&Dev forum: 600+ members
  • Outreach: 50+ experts
  • 15+ discussion topics
  • 4+ Talks in Web3 Global Tech Series with 50+ views each
  • 1000+ new NEAR accounts
  • Running Web3 Lecturer Certified Program with 20+ participants
  • Software feature implementation completion
  • Attract 10+ courses on Open Courseware


|Council remuneration|$7000|
|Supporter, marketing, and operations cost|$1500|
|Software implementation partly|$3000|
|Web3 Global Tech Series|$1000|
|Lecturer incentive|$5000|
|Account acquisition incentive for lecturers and community referral system|$10000 (max)|
|Tools and service cost partly|$500|

Total budget for 3 month: $57000 (note, the account acquisition incentive may not use all, the left will be returned for next month)

EduDAO has planned more and more further steps to train level 1 to level 4 tech&dev, to transform learners into NDC contributors for the ecosystem and integrate/collaborate with other entities in the ecosystem to grow and keep developer/builder to develop NEAR Ecosystem. However, everything takes time and needs to test & optimize in each step to improve the efficiency in operations and optimize funding/performance. Therefore, we select a step-by-step approach to implement and execute further plans to contribute to the NEAR ecosystem.

We plan to support and collaborate with Devhub Hackbox for hackathon, Proximity lab for incubation, and Onboarding DAO to optimize the onboarding process. We can also support other DAOs and hubs when they need experts for high tech support. Human resources trained by EduDAO can be the input for various programs by other entities (Devhub Hackbox, Proximity, Onboard,…) and dapps in the ecosystem.

Topics of interests by EduDAO to focus but not limited to: Rust programming, frontend development, BOS development, Solidity programming, Cosmos programming (Octupus), Defi, NFT, Gaming, Metaverse, NEAR dapp and smart contract programming, Web3 Technologies (blockchain, AI & blockchain, quantum & blockchain, Big Data & Blockchain, ZK, Enterprise blockchain, Account Abstraction, cryptography techniques, security techs, math model and algorithms in blockchain, DAO models, …), NEAR Technologies,…

Course incentive for lecturer and course creation: 500$/ approved course ($250 received at the time of completing creation and $250 received at the time of the course having 25+ students done at least 25% of course progress).

NEAR account acquisition course through affiliate program: EduDAO has a fixed incentive pool monthly for affiliate program and user acquisition. This motivates lecturer and any community members to share courses to attract new users and dev/tech people to NEAR.

  • First time period: $9/ account acquisition (lower than the current cost of account acquisition at NDC), with the requirement that the account has to learn and complete at least 25% of a course.

  • When the total incentive exceeds the incentive pool due to a high number of new user acquisition, the incentive per account will be: The incentive pool amount / total number of new user acquisition. This is our way to optimize the user acquisition cost by time, supporting one of the important objectives of NDC.

  • How can your DAO / Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?

EduDAO achieves NDC Core Value

  • Empowering NEAR Ecosystem Decentralization: EduDAO is education for community and by community to attract talents to create next generation talents for NEAR ecosystem.

  • Respected by ecosystem: all results in EduDAO is reliable, transparent and accountable in the software system.

  • Dedicated to ideas of decentralization: The solution is scalable as open courseware and organized in a decentralized way to motivate community experts to educate the community. The total incentive for user acquisition is also fixed at an upper bound monthly to optimize the cost per account acquisition.

  • Efficient operation: cost of account acquisition is lower than the current cost of account acquisition and the cost is optimized by the time.

  • Continuous improvement: the operations and features are improved continuously by the time to enable EduDAO to contribute more and more to the ecosystem…

EduDAO achieves NDC priorities:

  • EduDAO outreaches to new experts in the field to NEAR, new tech&dev people to learn about blockchain and NEAR, and train existing members with knowledge and coding skills.

  • EduDAO is implemented with a referral system to outreach to new users for NEAR. EduDAO helps demonstrate NEAR to tech&dev communities, both Web2 and Web3.

  • EduDAO helps educate local communities including both dev&tech people, non-blockchain tech experts, and tech KOL (through local language courses) and global communities (through English as main language) to have better tech knowledge and dev skills

  • EduDAO help improving NDC operations through attracting new contributors and transparent results tracking with a clear report dashboard.

  • Roadmap of your DAO/project, Milestones, and achievements: as presented above

# Section 8. Budget

  • Projected Budget for the next three months (In USD for each Task/Milestone): $29000 for the next 2 months or $57000 for the next 3 months, allocated to software development, lecturer incentive, referral system incentive, and operational expenses.
  • What is the length of Commitment to Delivering Your Project? Will your team be working on this project full time? Council members of EduDAO will dedicate their part-time efforts to ensure the success of the DAO while their main job and daily work are also very supportive to the mission of EduDAO.
  • Will your team be fully remunerated from this budget? No, the team will be remunerated only partially from this budget. We also request for a partial grant support for the software development cost for our dev team to integrate and develop features to support NEAR and EduDAO.

# Section 9. Project/DAO longevity

  • Does your project/DAO require one-time or continuous funding? We will require continuous funding for 1 year and will find ways for financial sources to reduce the funding request amount, and request HoM to re-evaluate whether to continue funding support or not.
  • Will your DAO/Project devise device way of sustaining itself after this round of funding? EduDAO will work toward to achieve better results and support NDC operations and priorities better by the time
  • What are the possible roadblocks to the success of your project/DAO?

We have a wide network of tech experts globally, especially in blockchain to serve as an initiative point for the success of EduDAO. Continuous funding issues could be a possible roadblock for EduDAO.