Ecorenew: Educating for Change - Earth Day Event Proposal
Date for Event: 04 May, 2024
Section 1 - DAO/Project Information
- Organization Name: Ecorenew Initiative
- Proposal Title: Educating for Change: A NEAR Earth Day Event
- Establishment Date: 9th February 2024
- DAO’s Category: Regional Development (Focus: Nigeria, Africa)
- Project’s Category: Community Led, Environmental
Section 2. Previous Funding
- Received Funding: Yes
- Details: Ecorenew received funding through the Potlock Africa quadratic funding round.
Section 3. DAO URLs
- DAO / Project Website: (Website under development) [Linktree]
- Social Media Distribution Channels:
Twitter: (
Near.Social: (```
- Target Country: Yes, currently focusing on Nigeria but aiming for expansion across Africa.
- Supported Region: Nigeria (Africa)
Section 4. Applicant Information
Point of Contact: Tammy Alemu
Governance Forum/ Profile:
NEAR Wallet ID: tammyalemu.near
Receiving Funds Wallet ID: cleanghost.near
Country of Residence: Nigeria
Social Media:
- Twitter: [tammyalemu](
- Telegram: [tammyalemu](
Section 5. Team Members
Tammy Alemu: Leader/Organizer - [Github](
Peter Ledum: Advisor - [Linktree](
- Volunteer: Aim to onboard more significant roles and volunteers
Team and Experience
Tammy Alemu: Motivated by environmental well-being, undertaken initiatives aimed at tackling plastic waste through education, reduction, and recycling. With a background in development, brings valuable experience to the table.
Ledum_ix: Thoughtful designer experienced in crafting engaging content, particularly in environmental advocacy and technology for positive change.
Section 6. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals
Project Overview
- Mission: Combat plastic pollution in Nigeria through community engagement and education.
- Vision: Create a cleaner, greener future for Nigeria and inspire similar efforts across Africa.
Core Programs
- Onboard Co-workers/Volunteers.
- Organize Clean up events aimed at education and onboarding.
- Educational Workshops (online & offline) on plastic pollution and potential solutions.
- Informative Booths featuring partner organizations and Ecorenew initiatives.
- Networking opportunities to foster collaboration within the environmental sector.
Alignment with NDC CoA Vision
Promotes environmental sustainability and community development in Africa.
Estimated Total Budget: $1,425
- Utilizing social media and Near analytics to measure success of KPIs.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with Targeted Goals
- Increased Brand Awareness
- Community Engagement
- Waste Reduction
- Near Ecosystem Adoption
- Ecorenew Specific Achievements
- Near Foundation & Near Digital Collective Specific Achievements
Problem Are You Aiming to Solve?
Plastic pollution is a major environmental threat in Nigeria, harming ecosystems and human health.
DAO/Project Charter
Develop a charter outlining Ecorenew’s goals, governance structure, and decision-making process, to be included on the website/landing page.
How can your DAO / Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?
Ecorenew aligns with NDC’s focus on regional development and environmental initiatives. The Earth Day event fosters community engagement, education, and eco-friendly practices, contributing to a more sustainable future for Nigeria. It also serves as a platform to introduce the NEAR ecosystem to potential users interested in environmental causes.
Note: Highlighting the importance of enthusiastic volunteers and Ecorenew’s commitment to collaborative governance.
In keeping with our commitment to sustainability, all materials used for this event, including waste bins, signage, and soft cards, will be carefully collected and stored after the event. These items will be reused for future environmental initiatives, minimizing waste and maximizing impact.