We are here to present the latest proposal for continuity of the Aurora Brasil community.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a grant approved, but I’ve been active most of the time sharing news and especially helping people in our Telegram group. Many users accessed our group to ask questions and find out how to get ETH to transfer their tokens from wallets like Trust.
So I believe that we must continue this work by remaining active and showing that Aurora continues to build and innovate.
Guild, community, project name: Aurora Brazil
Region, country: Brazil
The main purpose is to create active members and long-term users. From a medium - long-term perspective users will become builders in Aurora.
Brazil is a multi-facet country, with diverse cultural differences from regions that demand a specific know-how. To connect to this plural community, we have built a network to present the Aurora Products and Tech, such as Aurora Cloud, and Silo, aiming at developing new partnerships.
We want to be able to continue to bring all the news of the Aurora Network to Brazilians with articles, news and translation of the main technical and non-technical documents and updates, creating closer ties with Brazilians, so that they know more deeply about it.
How are we going to do that?
Creating more proximity and constant content for Brazilians, in addition to translating original documents
Showing Aurora use cases to my community and new users
Showing the options to developers to build in Aurora/Near
Helping developers to understand, submit projects and build on Aurora
Our goal is to help NDC to achieve their/our goals following the Core Values:
- Empowering ecosystem
- Respected by ecosystem
- Dedicated to ideas of decentralization
- Efficient operation
- Continuous improvement via weekly iterations
If approved, we are going to onboard the most valuable users in our group to be part of the team. They have been very active since last year and deserve to be here.
Funding scheme: Monthly - February
Social Media Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrasilAurora (1432 Followers)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auroranobrasil (715 Followers)
Telegram: Contact @aurorabrasil (503 Members)
Near Social: Aurora Brasil Aurora Brazil (aurorabrazilguild.near) | Near Social
Previous Reports:
December 2022: [Approved] December Aurora Brazil - Aurora Community proposals - Aurora
May/June 2023: [Approved] Aurora Brazil Guild May- June 2023 - Aurora Community proposals - Aurora
Aurora Brazil Team Members:
Our Goals and Focus for February
Accounts Retention
Accounts retention after 1/2/4/8 weeks and social score engagement
Daily Support on Telegram
Follow Aurora Community Core channel and publish news on Telegram
Share News on Twitter
Create 1 Youtube video per week regarding Weekly and Aurora ecosystem updates
Weekly contests on Telegram (most active user, Aurora+ sign up, Quiz, AMA)
Aurora ecosystem games (2048, World Aurora)
Tipbot for rewards
Near Social follow events
Aurora ecosystem projects collaboration (Support other projects by publishing news on Telegram on Twitter)
Continuously get in contact with influencers (KOLs) and share about AURORA in different brazilian community groups
Get more Aurora+ SignUps and Aurora Pass users
NFT Contest: Launch 1 contest for users and artists to mint their NFTs/Collections on Aurora Dapps. Every contest has a different theme.
Weekly Leaderboard: The result is a daily increase in transactions for using/interacting with Near.Social and other dapps, mints of NFTs, etc
Weekly prizes and tips, management and engagement of users through Telegram, Near Social. We will create mini contests to have people interacting more with Near Social reflecting on Everyday transactions and interactions with Near Social, rewards distributed through Keypom and tipbot.
Translate/write articles of Aurora and projects of the ecosystem in Portuguese and present these articles to our community through our website and Near.Social and weekly Quiz about Weekly updates on Aurora.
Account Acquisition
Cost — target to control acquisition cost 1 USDC per account
dApps Engagement
Ensure that at least 20% of accounts retained can interact with more than one dApp in the NEAR ecosystem
Funding scheme
Social Media Operation and Community operation - $1000
Content translation and creation, Telegram, Twitter, near.social, Instagram
Community activities - $1000
Onboarding & Marketing, campaign/events, videos, contests, rewards and prizes
Quiz, Zealy, Contests, Tips
Total amount - $ 2000
NEAR WalletID: aurorabrazilguild.near
Telegram Handle: Telegram: Contact @andersonzr
Email: brasilaurora20@gmail.com