[Rejected] Africa DAO Updated

We are here again to propose creating an African DAO. Following our previous rejected proposal as seen here [Rejected] NEAR Africa Community DAO in NDC V1: NDC Budget Subcategory code HOM-004P-1-5 Regional Development , and the comments and recommendations made here we have updated our proposal.

We believe the best way to grow the African region is to be a coordinated whole. Citing examples from the success of African communities on BInance, Celo and Starknet we believe that same will work for a NEAR coordinated community in Africa.

Given the unanimous agreement of all African leaders in the NEAR ecosystem, this proposal is made.



To Build a community of web3 leaders who build the African nations through a builder mentality.


Building an all-inclusive community that aims to bring onboard all existing communities in the African Region and also allow and support the activation of new communities to develop the Ecosystem in Africa by focusing on training devs and ecosystem partnerships to bring mass adoption


  • Education and Upskilling
  • Partnership with ecosystem products for mass adoption.
  • Onboard and Strengthen African Communities
  • Dev training in local languages
  • Community-focused dApp building


  • Organising campus tours/clubs for dev activities
  • Hosting IRL events for product showcase, onboarding and expansion
  • Expanding Regional communities to other African Countries.
  • Training local Devs for ecosystem contributions
  • Empowering Building activities such as hackathons etc.


  • Train devs quarterly
  • Onboard users to ecosystem products quarterly through community activities
  • Partner with ecosystem products quarterly
  • Retain users through community activities
  • Showcase products by trained/onboarded devs.
  • Carryout weekly BOS Workshops across communities
  • Carryout ecosystem products Showcase with communities, organisations and stakeholders


Africa DAO POC and Communities Relations

Oversees and Manages relations between all community leaders
• Set Goals and Strategies for Regional hubs and Regional Community
• Oversees and manages Community Marketing
• Oversee and Manage Community Media and Social Media structures and guidelines. E.g News stream, Dashboard, Guidelines,
• Set guidelines to onboard new regional communities
• Provide Support to Regional Communities


Africa DAO Partnership Lead/Marketing

  • DAO marketing
  • Ecosystem partnership/relation


Education and Devrel Relations

• Build and Manage Educational Programs for the Ecosystem
• Manage Developer relations in the Ecosystem
• Develop and manage strategies to engage and increase developer engagement with BOS and other ecosystem tools
• Develop developer programs that onboard new developers and incentivise developers to build on the Ecosystem.
• Develop Educational Content and Curriculum that can be used by Regional Communities and can be translated into different Languages


Governance and Strategy

• Build, Manage and oversee the Governance Framework
• Develop and oversee strategies that aid in Regional Communities Growth
• Overseas, manages and develops partnerships in and out of the dao and Larger Near Ecosystem
• Develop and manage Community Outreach programs and governance that aid partnerships, collaborations and onboarding new members into the ecosystem

• Manage DAO Charter and Framework

@Psalmy and @BigM007

Social Media/ Administrator and Activity Management

• Overseas and manages RC Meetings and Minutes

  • Social media management
    • Overseas and manage all RC Community Channels and Community Activities
    • Manage and oversee Community Proposals Request
    • Manage and Moderate information being passed out to the community


The DAO shall however focus on building the following in Africa in the space of three months. Communities in Africa are tasked with the responsibility of using this as a guide to growing their country and or communities.

KPIs for three months March-May June-August September-December
Onbaord and retain 1000-2000 Ecosystem Partnerships with Projects for marketing (3-5 Projects Monthly) 3-5 New communities onboarded Monthly New communities established in African countries (5-7)

Ecosystem Partnerships with Projects (3-5)
Community-focused product development (3-5)

Ecosystem Partnerships
Onboard and retain 1000-2000 Online Community Activities to onboard and retain users e.g Workshops, AMAs, Native Degen

Campus tours in universities (3-5 Monthly)

Dev training in Local languages (10-15 Monthly)
Campus tours in universities to keep partner products active (3-5)

Dev training in local languages (10-15)
IRL event to showcase African-built products (5-9 Products) (Onboard more users to the ecosystem and to partner products)


The DAO budget shall primarily be used for the following activities

  • Regional Communities
  • Council Remuneration
  • Operational Cost

Regional Communities

An estimated $1000-$5000 shall be funded to qualified communities or individual builders from Africa based on the strength and nature of activities for the month.
Existing Regional Communities in Africa and their leaders are found here.


COMMUNITIES SHALL ONLY BE FUNDED BASED ON MERIT. Merit here entails core team capabilities and experience, track record on funds spent previously, and set goals to achieve.

The Forum and Community Voice shall be used to collect proposals from Communities and individual builders.

AFRICA COMMUNITY LEADERS - Google Docs. The focus for the DAO is to build further in the following countries

  • South Africa
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
IRL EVENTS Onboarding Devs 10-15 Devs With sample products built as proof $1,000
Education/marketing. Onboard Users. 100-500 $1000-$3000 Depending on KPIs
Regional Community Activities Communities with 100-200 active users $1,000
Communities with 200-300 active users $1,500
Communities with 300-500 active users $2,000
Communities with 500 and above Active users $2,500
Product Building (Community Focused Dapps $3000-5000 Based on Product usecase

DAO Council Remuneration

Councils shall be on a basic $1500 each remuneration with individual reports attached to it.
Each Council member already involved with other DAOs or verticals shall declare their conflict of interest and take remuneration either in only one DAO or based on TC recommendation.

Operational Cost

These shall come based on the focus for each month, however, the focus for the next three months are:

  • On-chain dashboard for effective tracking of DAO success
  • External Partnership requirements


  1. Councils $1,500 * 4 = $6000
  2. Community Activities $15,000
  3. Operations cost (Developemnt/social media) $ 5000



Other DAO details

Governance framework and Regional Communities procedures AFRICA RCWG - Google Docs

DAO summary slide Africa DAO Deck - Google Slides

Processes for new communities [Regional Communities Update] Procedures. Anyone interested in starting a community from Africa should read and follow the guide here.

Follow us on social media

Tagging HOM POC @Dacha for consideration.

Thanks to all African Leaders who have been pushing this initiative for the better good of the African Continent.

Unleash the Dragon in Africa


i support this movement, bringing all existing and new African communities on the ecosystem and wilder web3 to build together stronger.

Let’s awake Africa
Build a wider connection and let Near thrive. I support the movement

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A very good case for Africa, i think this proposal would propel Africa as far as web3 is concerned!!!

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I’ve been having some issues on reacting or texting here, but hope this text goes through.

This proposal is well defined and definitely, with my believe we would get the support from HoM to be part of V1 as other grassroots are operational, Africans want to be part of the growth in the Ecosystem.

Happy to support

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Full support for AfricaDAO for Africa native communities


Africa in V1 is a goal. All aspects of the doc is explicit. I hope we get the required votes and support from HoM.

totally in support.