[ PROPOSAL ] Translate English - Portuguese - Yaathê

Our community development requires more language facilitation as our guild is composed by communities that have some different level of language understandment.

As our new arm, from the indigenous community, is becoming part of NEAR with their DAO that we are helping then to set up, we need to translate some basics material from The Clan and even the community, from english, to portuguese, then to Yaathê. This will be the first contact as we are giving support to them develop their own DAO and became an active community under the ecosystem.

To be able to do this @c0d3 that made the connection with this group, is giving the support.
One member of the indigenous community will be in contact with The Clan, so we can give any assistance. Theres a TG group at the moment, then when we finish this first steps, we will build an open TG Community group for everyone.

For this we are asking 500usd so @c0d3 and the indigenous community will produce these material. The Clan will donate the 5N to create the DAO.

Total 500usd

Council Member


@hevertonharieno aqui. obrigado pelo aviso

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@Thaka is the member from the indigenous community. welcome to our governance.
Thaka ee o membro da comunidade indigena. bem vindo a nossa governanca.

Sound super nice! :bow_and_arrow: