[Proposal] Payout to learn-near-germany for translation of content

As described in the translation table linked below, 6 guides have been tranlated so far and been checked by the team of kemo.near, hauke.near and joengelh.near.
Checking will be rewarded with a 20% cut of the payout.
The payout will be distributed like so:

ID Translator Rieviewer total payout translator payout reviewer payout
17 hauke.near kemo.near 0.162 0.1296 0.0324
18 hauke.near kemo.near 1.352 1.0816 0.2704
19 hauke.near joengelh.near 7.686 6.1488 1.5372
20 hauke.near joengelh.near 1.304 1.0432 0.2608
21 hauke.near joengelh.near 4.914 3.9312 0.9828
22 hauke.near joengelh.near 4.744 3.7952 0.9488

this comes down to an individual payout of:
sum kemo.near

sum hauke.near

sum joengelh.near

the entire payout is 20.162 NEAR, and will be requested to be sent from LEARN NEAR mother DAO to learn-near-germany.sputnikdao.near

as i can only request INT amount of NEAR, i will round up to 21 and send back the rest after gas fees to the mother DAO

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Hello, yes, in Sputnik you cannot write a (dot “.”) directly, but you can copy and paste float numbers.

And talk about gas fee have non sense, because is insignificant.

By the way, I’m seeing you (all) are doing a good job with the translations, congratulations.

@Kemal I see you made 2 translations at the beginning, those are already been payed to you? Because I can’t find the transactions.

Your friend, jeph.near

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Hey @jeph, thanks for reminding me, I didn’t ask for payout yet bc I wanted to translate some articles tmrw and then ask for it. :+1:

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