[Proposal] Payout for reviewing articles ENG ➔ TR for LNC - August 2023

Hi NEAR community,

I have reviewed 2 articles for LNC in the month of August from English to Turkish as listed below and hereby request payment as listed on LNC

ID Translator Rieviewer Words total payout ($USDC) translator payout ($USDC) reviewer payout ($USDC)
KGTR001 translatinator.near voico.nearr 1,111 80 64 16
KGTR002 translatinator.near voico.near 3,840 192 153.6 38.4

KGTR001 = 2.222/500x25=55,55 (Min. job fee for Germany $80 according to LNC) = $80/1,12=72 $NEAR
KGTR002 = 3,840/500x25=192/1,12=172 $NEAR

The payout is divided as follows:

Translator: kemo.near 217.6 $USDC or 195 $NEAR (80%)

Reviewer: runvolkan 54.4 $USDC or 49 $NEAR (20%)

The entire payout for my work is 49 $NEAR, and will be requested to be sent from Learn Near Club DAO to learn-near-germany.sputnikdao.near.


Your first proposal and many more to come, congrats @runvolkan!! :rocket:


Hey can you guide me how this translation thing work and how one can claim bounties through translating LNC articles ?

You must be part of the LNC Club. It also depends on the languages you would like to translate, as most are already filled with translations and reviewers. What language would you like to translate into?

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HINDI and Bengali any idea about these two languages ?

The LNC program is currently paused, but send me a DM on Telegram @iamkemoo and I’ll check as soon as we are live again.