[Proposal] October MotionDAO: Kernel Adventure continues + "why Art? … but digital!"

target wallet: aznarrak.near
Total request for October $650.

The Kernel Adventure continues …

“… how to make meaning from the raw material of your life :
not necessarily through grandiose action, but rather as the result of joyful little subversions along the way of real awareness and humility.
A life lived wide awake naturally leads to various explorations of trust and value; the kinds of shared truth we preserve in narrative and pass between generations.”

“Now that we have ownerless, borderless protocols for recording such history, we can potentially multiply the effects of thousands of little individual subversions into a more stable, global joy.”

Keeping complementary opposites always in mind, the Kernel Block 7-adventure goes on in Modul 2, where we will reflect on “taking back the web, related to three fundamental pillars: ability to think for ourselves, reclaiming time, and extending our ability to co-operate.”

With the other kernel fellows by MotionDAO Victor @catalejo, Tatiana @tatirosa and Amber @spareworks, we are looking to continue the adventure together, as a kind of game

Stories in the stillness of the forest
like dreaming
we want to dance in the forest
but first you need a forest, we need seeds, trees, mosses and mushrooms, animals
a game of AI, in web3
bringing awareness and afforestation, joy and embodiment together

We will play with words and AI on an excaldraw.com board

To support the continuity of my adventure and the research by KernelBlock7, $400 is requested.

Total Digital in Coburg from 10.10 to 14.10

“warum Kunst? … aber digital!” why Art? … but digital!

Curating the Art section “warum Kunst? … aber digital!” by the event TotalDigital by Z.C.D in the city of Coburg, Germany.

“In dieser, der Erstausgabe von ZCD digitale Kunst Festival #22 suchen wir die Verbindung von digitaler Kunst und Ökonomie, wo Blockchain eine immer größere Rolle spielt.

In diesem Raum unbekannter Dimensionen, den die Kunst darstellt, schafft dieses Projekt den Beweis für die Existenz von Pfaden, welche die Ökonomie mitgestalten.

Diese Performance kann tiefgehender und umfassender sein, als der einfache Verkauf von Kunstwerken, wie in einer Galerie, sowohl analog als auch digital.”

Blockchain, MotionDAO and NearFundation play a major role in the Art-program:

MotionDAO space with performances, meditation sessions, talks, interactive interfaces and videos and NFTs screenings, by the members of MotonDAO online and live:
@catalejo, @marlonbarriossolano, @solsista, @JeanneB, @anzorrilla, @tatirosa, and @all the minters by MotionDAO Gallery at mintbase.io
QR code linking to MotionDao Gallery at mintbase.io, allowing audience to acquire NFTs

… and MotionDAO stickers!

All you can mint is a two day NFT workshop inside the Near ecosystem. Waller creation and understand mint and all the implications. For it we will create a store at mintbase.io, a campaign with Satori app and mint “certificates of attendance”. Expected 15 participants.

Open Call: Digitale Kunst aus Coburg 4 x daily NFTs campaign on Satori app with QR-code linking to claim the daily NFT and wallet creation if needed.

To cover the costs for stores and campaigns creation within the near ecosystem, to support the learning process by workshop participants and for production of the necessary materials, $250 is requested.

target wallet: aznarrak.near
total request in October for support KernelAdventure + “why Art? … but digital!” $650