[Approved -$2000] Near Insider - Social Media, Content Creation, AMA, NDC (October)

Hello everyone and council @marketingdao-council
We’re excited to submit our proposal for “Uptober” and still base on MDAO’s objective. Details below:

1. Project Information

  • Name: Near Insider
  • Title: Near Insider - Social Media, Content Creation, AMA, NDC (October)
  • Established time: 2021
    Social link:
    X (ex: Twitter): https://twitter.com/near_insider

2. Applicant Information:

3. Proposal

  • Increasing numbers of active Developers
  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions (On-chain onboarding, On-chain engagement, On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps)
  • Increasing numbers of Tools, dApps on BOS
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS, and active projects in the ecosystem


  • 5 AMAs per month
  • 80 posts/infographics per month (focus on NDC, BOS, Defi projects)
  • Support 3 projects per month


  • Latest News
  • Weekly Highlight
  • Quarter Review
  • Giveaway
  • Campaigns (Testnet, Mainnet, IDO, NFT Mint, etc)

4. Budget

  • 5 AMAs: $1000 ($200 for each)
  • 80 posts: $1200 ($15 for each)
  • Support 3 projects: $600 ($200 for each)
    Total: $2800
    Wallet ID: near_insider.near

Thanks for your time, we’ll report in the end of the month. Cc @Dacha @so608 @Klint @cryptocredit

Thank you for your proposal.

Unfortunately, I won’t support this proposal.

Reason: not aligned with the House of Merit received Vision Key Metrics from CoA and shared them with MDAO.

Do read the core value and submit it next month, or re-align for other members review.

Hi @near.insider – thanks for the proposal. Here is a link to the MarketingDAO Guidelines for October that were posted on the forum. They contain the NDC’s KPIs we are asked to focus on for allocating this month’s funds. From my POV, it is crucial that we be able to answer the two questions below that are part of the guidance from the NDC in order to continue to fund initiatives, even if they are long-term participants in the ecosystem.

I’ll quote them here so it’s easier to review:

Please use the following metrics that will be used for tracking individual initiatives’ performance by Marketing (Eco) DAO. All the metrics must be attributable to the relevant project/initiative through on-chain activity and off-chain reporting, ensuring GDPR compliance and preserving privacy:

  1. Accounts retention after 1/2/4/8 weeks — the percentage of accounts who continue interacting on the chain over a given time period (higher is better)
  2. Account acquisition cost — budget divided by the number of accounts interacting through the funded initiative (lower is better)
  3. Median number of dApps used by P95 accounts retained for 1+ week (higher is better)
  4. Number of accounts retained for 1+ week using at least three dApps (higher is better)
  5. Social engagement score — some compound metric of the number of posts, likes, and followers/views in social media produced by the users.

Let’s take this example: Why should Marketing (Eco) DAO fund Project X?

  1. Project X should have a clear goal and target audience
  2. Project X should bring improvements to several metrics listed above

Based on the above, can you share:

  • Most recent report for latest funding
  • Which of the above KPIs your initiative will use if funding is received
  • How you will track and share the results with MDAO so we can have visibility into the results? For example, how will we know that your project’s activities are leading to increases in the KPIs?
  • What is the most important aspect of this proposal, the most crucial to fund – what will have the most impact for the community?

The reality is that MDAO has 35 pending proposals for limited funds, so it is likely we will be asking for revisions and some reductions in scope in order to fund the highest impact activities and projects as we move into mid-Q4.


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Hello @so608 we are a social channel, our strength is in increasing awareness of the Near ecosystem through content, campaigns and AMAs to educate users. The content we provide is rich and diverse, helping users gain knowledge and experience dApps easily. So it can be said that the metrics we can bring are likes, shares, views
You can see our previous reports: [Report] Monthly Report (April) - Near Insider
In addition, we also support projects in their campaigns such as Mint NFT, Mainnet, etc. We can track the engagement levels of those campaigns.
For example: [Report] Monthly Report (Aug) - Near Insider Guild

Overall the impact we bring is the ability to display information about Near and spread and amplify projects in the ecosystem to as many users as possible.

Hello @near.insider . I am happy to support you, because

But in November your proposal should be align with NDC goals and KPIs. Have a great day!

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Hello Dacha, thanks for supporting! I hope our proposal can be approved!

Hi @near.insider thank you for your proposal. Please ensure that you fully align with the new KPIs. I am willing to support.

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Hi @cryptocredit yes sure we’ll do our job well

Dear Marketing (Eco) DAO contributor, your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO. The approved proposal included in October’s request to NDC Trust.

Please advise that during this transition period (NDC v0-v1), the following applications’ approval procedure:

  1. :green_circle: October 21 - 25th time for proposals from the Community, updates accordingly to NDC Metrics;
  2. :green_circle: October 26 reviewing by MDAO councils, approval on governance forum, and creation post-request to NDC (House of Merit , CoA, NDC trust);
  3. :yellow_circle: October 27-31st, House of Merit (HOM) will review your proposal;
  4. :red_circle: October 31 – HOM will vote for your proposal on-chain;
  5. :red_circle: November 1, in case of successful approval by HOM, HOM will pass the request to COA to vote on-chain;
  6. :red_circle: November 2nd-6th – CoA will review your proposal and vote on-chain (can veto);
  7. Once the CoA gives its approval, the NDC Trustees will carry out the transaction, provided that the expenses align with the Trust’s objectives;

So, during this time, please

  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC KYC Request Form (if not yet)
  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.
  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB Telegram: Contact @ndc_marketing
  4. Please contact me on telegram @kmotiv 24/7 if you have any questions.
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Dear @near.insider Near Insider team!
Our request to NDC trust has been approved. So please, create a transfer from Marketing DAO treasure to your wallet. Marketing DAO Proposal Funding Guide - Updated August 2023

I created the proposal on AstroDAO:

Pls vote it, thanks a lot

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