Hello everyone and Happy New Year 2024! Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous new year
Guild Name: Near Insider
Social Accounts:
Near Social: Near Social
Twitter: x.com
Telegram Channel: [Telegram: Contact @tony_insider
The proposal was previously approved
Users Onboarding & Retention: Our main objective is to uphold a high retention rate of 70% for users eight weeks post-onboarding. Activities will mainly focus on educating users about NDC and BOS
Account acquisition cost: Range $5-$7. We’ll focus on organic content and optimize rewards in marketing campaign
Diverse dApp Engagement: We set a goal to keep at least 50% of users interacting with 3 dApps in 1 week
Social engagement score: this is our strength. We’ll increase brand awareness on Twitter, metrics: Followers, Like, Repost, Impressions via quality content and AMA
We will ask our community to exchange and submit proof of transactions.
Along with that, community members will be encouraged to post discussions and leave messages each week on our telegram communication channel
Content & Campaign
50-70 infographics per month (latest news, weekly highlight, …)
Thanks for your proposal have you checked our recent update regarding proposal submissions guidelines. If not do chdck and update your proposal on-chain too.
Hi @near.insider – thanks for the proposal. I would recommend working through the Marketing DAO Content Creator Bounty program. The goal is to offer remuneration and funding for creators who are producing content around specific topics that are focal points for the ecosystem right now. Please see the program details here:
Hi @near.insider thanks for your proposal. Un fortunately i am unable to support as funding for content creators is now via our bounty programme and would echo the suggestion from @so608 to take a look. Thanks