[proposal] mutisession april

Hello CUDO Family,

We are here again to bring you some news about our sessions in collaboration with MUTI DAO. In February we held 2 beautiful sessions with Adolfo Lothar and the Foggy project that will start to be released tomorrow on the Muti channel. During the month of March we tried new funding to do it again, but only got $600. So during the month of April, we will ask CUDO for another 600USD and MUTI for another 600USD to film a new session with another great artist.

This fund will be divided between these costs:

Sound system rental
Video editing
Space Rental
Gimbal Operator
Assistant (Fixed Camera Monitor)
Guest Band/Musician
CUDO Production
Team Production

We will start promoting this project to brands outside NEAR, thus making an ever stronger connection between our ecosystem and the real world.

We would like to hear your comments and suggestions on how to make this project even more interesting. More than just promoting artists, stories and our audiovisual work, this will be another way to grow the NEAR ecosystem and the brand to reach even more places.

Let’s keep going =)


Thank you so much for this! The first two sessions have been wonderful and will be published soon. Looking forward to many more collabs! <3

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