We are on the way to create our Legal Wrapper as cooperative in Portugal for our DAO and project!
It has been a slower month then usual also since it’s vacation time, so much of the people in our team are working away in festivals or events and the portugueses offices are on vacation. We almost have all the information needed to create a cooperative and estabilish our Legal Wrapper with a unique identity.
We should be able to accomplish our timeframe and have it almost finished by the end of August.
We want to consult ways this new technologies give us the ability to connect already know organizations such as a cooperatives, that can work like a company but still have a community geared attitude and legal recognition that can enforce worker rights and much more.
Much has already been written about this subject and the correlation of this 2 identities.
DAOs and Co-ops - Here follow a few articles written on this:
- Could Web3 Lead the Way to a More Cooperative Web?
- What Co-ops and DAOs Can Learn From Each Other
- The DAO of decentralization: Can co-ops thrive on the blockchain?
- DAO’ Are Novel But Not New
- How The DAO Model Builds On The Co-op Tradition
There’s a plan in our project to now start projecting our work in web 3.0 possibilities with this legal wrapper already in mind. Has a DAO and a Cooperative (Co-op), we want to estabilish majorly a Creative Industries Cooperative that can gather services, logistics, material and anything need to help creatives and the production of creative material. May it be organizing an event, producing marketing campaings, sound technicians, photographers, videomakers, etc etc…
We want to think of the old term of a cooperative, give it a switch using Web 3.0 and NEAR Protocol.
Example draft Web 3.0 concept :
For example one subject easly relatable is, utility NFTs that can identify material that cooperants of our DAO/Co-op can “borrow” to the cooperative and be used for any member of the cooperative for a cheaper price or even for free. This could be done automaticly with a NFT system and royalties. Any person that has a NFT from a object which is unique and has a owner (example a camera), you can buy it, pay the buying fee (same as a rent fee) and burn it physically to recieve it to be used by the given time. This NFT and everything can be used has contract with details engraved in to the metadata.
This is example can be applied to any material, service or idea even.
We have a few more ideas in mind has a cooperative to be used.
Now with this proposal we want to ask you funding to keep our investigation towards aligning our creative mission has a plataform that will help spread emerging musicians and music projects, via audio-visual content, music releases and production material backing.
Me, @parisinocencio and @aredpanda from our DAO will be the main investigators of this concepts.
Funding Budget:
4h Weekly work x 4 Weeks = 16h Work
Which will consist in a minimum 2 weekly minimum meetings and hours to work on the investigation and to work on material to present in the end of the funding period.
16h x 10 $ hour rate = 160$ each
160 $ x 3 Gruta DAO elements ( @TRosario , @parisinocencio and @aredpanda )
Total Budget Requested: 480$
Material to be presented in the end of this Investigation:
- Concept text introduction of this use case to be broadcasted to the community and NEAR ecosystem.
- List of draft ideas to use has a DAO/Co-op for the Creative Industry using web 3.0 concepts.
This material will be presented in a next funded investigation.
- Specific and detailed use case for Gruta using all of this merge of ideas.
[EDIT 1: Corrected budget and material to be presented for this investigation, there was a typo on the budget and we were not accounting the correct hours for the members of the team. We used the same amount of funding but postponed the 3rd point material of this investigation to the next phase of funding]
Any ideias to add to this proposal, please fire them away.