Proposal For Writer's Guild

Project Name: Educated Tout (An Anthology; A collection of 40 poems)


Fatokun Mayowa aka Big M (fatokunmayowa.near)
Duration: 7th april to May 31st


Education is the bedrock of learning and how can one learn without books and how can one read books without books being written and how can one books be written without a writer and how can there be a writer without a purpose?

Education is the foundation for all endeavors be it formal, semi - formal and non - formal.

Education mostly covered it all in those days but in modern times, one needs not only education but also ‘street mentality’ or awareness of one’s environment through observation, identification and analysis of the modus operandi.

I am about to embark on an anthology ( a collection of 40 poems) which I going to present over to the Writer’s Dao for minting and complete ownership and the anthology is an academic, objective but still subjective view of my immediate environment as an educated fellow with that quality dose of street awareness, hence the title ‘Educated Tout’

The anthology will covers issues regarding politics, religion, education, love, sports and governance in public enterprises.

The topics written on will be an eye opener to the readers.

I will try to make it enjoyable as possible yet not losing didactic values, figurative as possible yet easy to decode and detailed as possible yet not unnecessarily wordy.

I am envisioning a 40 page anthology, which will be compiled within two months of approval.

Writing and compilation
$600 in Near
Typing and editing
$50 in Near
$650 in Near
Receiving wallet: fatokunmayowa.near

Once approved, i would commence writing after 50% ($325 in Near) of the total budget is paid and upon completion ans submission of report, the other 50%.($325 in Near)

Thank you

@T_h_e_Philosopher @bagadefente @gabrielfelipejacomel @ladevochka @frnvpr @Beet93 @Dedeukwu @pinkalsky


Great one Big M! Looking like a nice idea famm.

Thanks @thetune100
It is a little i can contribute to the Writer’s world

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Awesome idea bro , I love it

Very nice idea… I think this particular one is unique.

Thank you
Creativity must be unique all the time. Let’s stay creative


nice project, @BigM007!

personally, I’m already curious to share your visions on all those topics.

just for organisational purpose, can you please insert your project’s name on the title of this topic?

thanks for proposing!

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Yes thank you so much for the motivation.

I have done the correction.
Thank you again.

Hello, @BigM007 !
we are very happy for receiving your proposal please submit it at [ASTRO] as a pool (Astro) , if it is your first time and have any doubt you can ask us here or at our telegram

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Thank you i will do so

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hello @BigM007! The Writer’s Guild Council is happy to announce that we are ready to make the first half of the payment to your proposal, please submit the transfer request of 325 DAI on ASTRO ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ

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