Proposal for The Re-Making Show
Here comes another edition of The Re-Making Show in BeatDao. This is the second edition of the show and the first one was fire, which witnessed participations from a lot of people.
We continue in the same fashion for the month and participants stand a chance of winning prizes.
What is the Re-Making Show?
It is a show where producers re-make beats chosen by the council members of BeatDao. This is an attempt to widen their production horizons by putting them in the same mindset that the original producers of the beats were.
This show is also designed to test their creativity and uniqueness with some of the world class producers.
How to participate
- Download beat from google drive or music from YouTube
- Re-make beat or beat from music
- Upload on the provided drive
- Wait for judges to make decisions
After all deliberations by the council members, prizes will be given for the best three
1st prize: 100usd
2nd prize: 80usd
3rd prize: 50usd
Total Budget: 230usd