Hello everyone! So after my first full month contributing to the NEAR Community. I am really excited to propose the creation of the NEAR Hispano Guild.
Update: 2021-06-26T05:00:00Z Created NEAR Hispano DAO
Past news: 2021-06-14T05:00:00Z
Official launch: NEAR Hispano se une a la comunidad de NEAR Protocol - Near Guilds
Website: www.nearhispano.org
Blog: https://nearhispano.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nearhispano
Youtube: NEAR Hispano - YouTube
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NEARHispano
TLDR proposal
Training the new generation of founders, creators and developers in the Spanish speaking regions of the globe to build on top of the NEAR Protocol. Support the creation of other Guilds either for verticals or countries that want to focus on Spanish speaking audiences.
Generate content in our language to help onboard more members to the NEARverse.
About NEAR Hispano guild
The first Spanish speaking network of the NEAR Community, we understand that our community spreads through 2 continents but our language is our connection to the NEARverse.
We want to support developers, creators, artists and scientists that are interested in tapping into the crypto industry. We acknowledge that the first step is training and evangelizing on what the technology can address in the short and long term, get them to understand why ownership, privacy and security is important on a blockchain protocol.
We believe that alliances with current Open Source friendly organizations is vital for the growth of the NEAR community in Spanish speaking countries. So reaching out to Universities will be a key part of how we grow the NEAR Hispano guild and connecting with their professors, researchers, students and faculty members.
Our core focus is on the new generation of developers and creators, who will be part of the creator economy. Our activities and series will focus to drive opportunities for them to start exploring, experimenting and creating their solutions on the NEAR protocol, also leveraging the ecosystem of platforms and dapps being built in the NEARverse. Which is the cornerstone of Web 3.0.
Why, who and what for NEAR Hispano guild
Why NEAR Hispano?
One of the growing technology regions in the world is Latin America and with it’s leading hubs in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Argentina, Colombia and Chile (link), there is a lot of untapped potential that as a community we need to engage, because even small cities like Zacatecas (MX), Manizales (COL), Viña del Mar (CL) and Cordoba (ARG) have thriving open source communities that we need to connect with and start collaborating to bring into the NEARverse
Overall there are more Fintech Startups and applications being launched in the region, this paves the way for NEAR to become a technology partner in the region (link) which is seeing a flux in expansion from global companies coming to the region looking for growth (link).
We need to start to build momentum if NEAR as a community is interested to jump on the opportunity to expand quickly throughout the region. Latin America is the next growth opportunity for any technology industry and we believe that NEAR should be part of it.
NEAR Hispano is created to educate, support and promote individuals, groups, projects and organizations that are creating, building and launching on top of the NEAR protocol.
Who is behind NEAR Hispano?
We are a group of technology veterans and developers that want to give our peers an opportunity to be part of the NEARverse.
The initial team is in no particular order as follows:
- Rosa Maria Orellana, CEO and founder of Fintech LAB
- Alejandro Van Beta, Product Strategist
- Manuel Haro - University of Zacatecas lecturer and Head of LABSOL (Open Source Laboratory), which is part of the Mexican National Network of Open Source Laboratories.
- Juan Manuel Cancino - Tech Entrepreneur and investor in the blockchain projects
- Rodrigo Moreno - 8+ years as a developer for Open Source projects and crypto enthusiast, Certified NEAR Developer
- Mario Garcia - 6+ years as a developer and contributor to open source projects, Gitlab ambassador and Crypto enthusiast, Certified NEAR Developer
- Claudio Cossio - Community Builder and Product Developer (15+ years building SaaS applications). Angel investor and LP in COOPMX fund.
We have created a diverse group that will focus on promoting projects and initiatives from Spanish speaking regions.
What do we plan to do at NEAR Hispano Guild?
We have 3 pillars:
- Education
- Support
- Promotion
Education is our core focus for NEAR Hispano, we want to create and promote content in our main language - Spanish. This is important because not all regions can understand English and we feel that it is a barrier we need to address in order to establish a link with the NEAR community and to show that we are open to everyone.
Our thesis is that focusing our effort in onboarding communities around Universities can open up opportunities for the new generation of developers and creators to learn what blockchain is and the benefits it brings to our region, we believe that NEAR is a great initial stepping stone for this.
Aligning with higher education institutions can be leveraged to support the talent from the region and also create opportunities for researchers from these institutions to know about NEAR.
OKR’s for 2021
- Onboarding 8 universities from Latin America and Spain
- Help 100 students prepare for the NEAR Academy certification
- Help 20 professors and researchers understand the NEAR Protocol
- Webinars for students, every 15 days
- Webinars for professors and researchers, every 15 days
- Translate to Spanish the NEAR Academy content
- Translate 4NTS Guild Documentation to Spanish
Support is the reason why the NEAR Foundation was created, but we understand that as a region we need a voice. Our second pillar is to provide support to individuals, groups and organizations that are interested in being part of the NEAR Community. Providing guidance and an open environment where they can reach out to peers, discuss what is relevant in their community or region and find the necessary support to launch projects or solutions built on top of the NEAR Protocol.
This support effort will be done through meetups, webinars, workshops and mentorship programs that we want to create in partnership with Universities. Also support the different events that other Guilds are creating, by having a delegation of NEAR Hispanos topics, participating in hackatons, proposing talks or workshops and being active in community discussions.
Latin America is a young region that is still growing and our community will be filled with young and energetic individuals; so we need to focus on creating a growth path for them to be successful as technology professionals. That is why partnering with NEAR Academy will be our core focus in this initial phase, so we can start certifying developers in the NEAR Protocol and build a path for them to interact with companies or projects they can be part of.
OKR’s for 2021
- Setup 6 teams from Latin America and Spain to participate in:
- Bounties
- Hackathons
- Organize one monthly meetup for the NEAR Hispano community
- Monthly meetup
- Coordinate office hours with core NEAR devs, to help teams and projects from the region
Promotion is something that will be required both for education and supporting projects. We have created our social channel on Twitter(@nearhispano) and video channel on Youtube (link), since they provide the best ways to spread information about what is happening in the NEARverse. As part of the creation of the guild we will be launching a website that will be our hub for all the content we will be creating for the Spanish speaking audiences and our community.
We believe that the NEAR Hispano guild will bring a much needed push of innovation in our different regions and also open up the possibility for creators, builders and developers to launch applications and solutions using the NEAR Protocol.
OKR’s for 2021
- Reach 200 followers on Twitter
- Promote NEAR Community content - minimum 10 tweets a week
- Reach 200 subscribers to the NEAR Hispano Youtube channel
- Launch the NEAR Hispano website
- Publish 4 blog posts per month
- Publish an events calendar for the community
- Create blog posts about the following topics:
- Rainbow Bridge
- Guilds
- Creator economy + NFTs
- DApps from the NEAR ecosystem
- DeFi
- Publishing all the webinars and workshops in the Youtube channel