[PROPOSAL] Alas DAO Bulletin Group Writing

We issued our first Alas DAO Bulletin (https://alasdao.substack.com/) and are now exploring Group Writing Features of Substack

We want to give everybody working in the openguitar ecosystem the opportunity to write about it. This will allow a perspective from as many angles as possible and still will be condensed in a coherent format: The Bulletin.

We request 200N for up to 5 writers of future Alas DAO Bulletin posts.

Total Requested Funding Amount: 1000N

Project/Council Members: kn00t.near, fbravo.near

Target: alas.sputnikdao.near


This may help as you start submitting funding proposals for your DAO: [Guide] How to submit a funding proposal to the Creatives DAO

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Is there anything else needed before I submit the proposal to Creatives DAO? Thanks.

Yes, the proposal should follow the format of the guide, many of the other guilds have posted int he forums and you can check to see how it has been done in the past.

Some examples:

it seems to me that this is more of an internal Guild proposal that your guild would approve on it’s own. Also, if this specific task is the only one you are looking to complete at the moment, it may be more appropriate to submit to the marketing vertical: Marketing DAO - NEAR Forum

Why is NEAR needed so that the community can have an opportunity to write? Also, why would that amount be $5000!? Seems like you don’t even have the writers prepped yet? So why would the funds be needed now? I think I am just confused at these large funding asks when it seems like there isn’t a clear purpose for how the funds are to be used.

Thank you @chloe . I appreciate your feedback.

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