Pet and wildlife 2.0

This bounty garnered a lot of traction on twitter space and the gov forum. We are bringing this again to support our loved ones. There’s going to be an adjustment in the revenue split now. 60% to pet and wildlife rescue, 40% to the creators of this NFT

There is going to be an open call for owners of pets and people with access to wildlife to get really creatives and showcase their artistic skills via painting, photography, music, Sound, etc.

However, the creatives will be limited to just arts that depicts pets and wild animals in any version they deem fit.

The aim of this is to have the art created for pet and wild animals nfts minted in our store and to give 60% from the sales of these nfts to the animal rescue society to support pets and wildlife across the globe.

There is going to be a prize for the contestant with the highest engagement of his/her own submission on twitter. 60% of the funds from these Nft sales will go to charity while 40% goes to the creator of these nfts.

These fund will be kept in the Dao’s treasury and then disturbed to the animal care according. Myself and the council members will be in charge of distributing the funds and we will get receipt to that effect.

Also, entries listed in the store would not be below 5near


  • Entries should be minted in the Pet and wildlife store on mintbase

  • Entires should be posted on Twitter tagging @Nearxart and prospective NFT collectors

  • Post should including caption that will attract art collectors to purchase the nft

You have an high chance of winning if you make sales on your nft and have good engagement.

Prize is as follow:
1.First position: $150
2.Second position: $100
3.Third position: $50
4. Forth position: $30


Should we mint our arts here again?


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Yes. That same store, although competition is not on yet


Hello everyone this is my entry my pet named Shelby :turtle::green_heart:



This is my entry…
My wallet address: styleherbalist.near

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Please check out the guide. Entry should be posted on Twitter too

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I have already done that…

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Heyy Fam​:wilted_flower: here’s my entry check it out on mintbase and twitter :grin::fire::sparkles:



Greetings Fam, this is my entry. You can check it on mintbase and twitter, click the links below:



Hello, fam… Here are the links for my entry. Thank you.


Hello everyone, @Supercoolkay please let’s get this straight, I have submitted my entry for this bounty but I wanna get some clarification.
Is this the place for submitting entries or on the Bounty post?

Just to be sure I did the right thing

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Hi @kenjay60

Please check the guidelines here :point_down:t4:

Thanks for the question. I hope I was able to clarify.

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That’s no the answer to my questions sir.

Where are we uploading our entry on forum?
Here or the (open bounty 0.2) Post

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Hi, okay I get you now.

Entries can be only under the bounty post just for more visibility.

But the guideline for the bounty is what is most important


Hi here’s my entry check it out on mintbase and twitter.


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Hi, fam… Here is my entry.



So why are some persons posting their entries here? When it should be under the [open bounty 2.0] Post.

I think this should be corrected!

Thanks for your response.

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Hi everyone!

This is the original post for the bounty below
and not this

Hey fam! Here’s my entry and check it on mintbase and twitter, kindly click the links below: