NxP virtual onboarding meetup for artist new to the NEAR ecosystem (proposal)

NEAR virtual onboarding, hosted by NEARxPUBLISH

With the current state of crypto currency and the explosive introduction of NFTs and their many use cases, there is no better or more prescient moment to capitalize on these ideas and their viral dissemination across the popular media in every platform. In order to do this we are planning a digital assembly, to magnetize all the buzz and curiosity from all streams of public opinion towards NEAR Protocol and our cornucopia of assets and resources both digital and corporeal. Our virtual meet up is as follows:

Event: February 1st via Google Meets, the meeting will be recorded for educational purposes, and for posterity.

The event will be split into a 3 part presentation: introduction - a basic explanation of NEAR & NXP; the Tutorial Phase is for NEAR Wallet onboarding. They will be taught and setup utilizing NEAR Drop; A Paras Tutorial would then be given to the newly made wallets connected with NFT minting/transferring discussed and explained. This run through of Paras and NFTs will be the last phase of our presentation.

Guest List Expected to Include:

18 to 20 artists, new to the NEAR ecosystem. Of them 4 artists will be new to NFTs and NEAR. Guest artists will be prepped with an NFT to mint, in order to gain first hand experience with the concept of doing so in our ecosystem. All participants will likewise be granted NEAR “Drops” with 2 NEAR per artist in consideration for their time and in compensation for the inherent fees and charges for usage of the Wallet and all associated applications. Possibly up to 3 artists will be available after the first time minting for one-on-one onboarding and personalized Q & A, regarding NEAR and our many resources that can be brought to bear. A one time 5 NEAR deposit also needed, to set aside and cover the storage fee and expenses inherent in the “drop” and expenses of the meetup.

The primary goal of this undertaking is to onboard new artists to NEAR; introduce artists to PARAS; foster relationships for upcoming periodical releases, thereby creating users and content creators in the same stroke; and finally to foster new relationships with passionate individuals. The metric for the event’s success will be measured equally by new onboarded accounts and by the follow-up engagement and possible integration of artists and users within NEAR and Paras for the mutual benefit of all.

Amount requested for event: 50 $NEAR

Wallet Address: publishing-house.sputnik-dao.near


Well written and concise

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Way to Go @Samtoshi_F_Baby , Love and Support always.


NEAR Onboarding Meetup Debrief:

The following is a brief overview of the events and individuals we onboarded, the night of February 1st, 2022. During this gathering, 14 people who were new to NEAR Protocol convened via Google Meets to be instructed and educated about the various tools, resources, and opportunities available to them on NEAR. This included not only how they could benefit from being users, but also contributors to our ecosystem using both traditional DeFi such as Ref.Finance and independent minting and distribution like with Paras and Mintbase.

Among the guests that were invited, 5 were artists as of yet completely new to NFTs and blockchain technology as a paradigm. Once introductions were made, we commenced the on-boarding process by explaining what separates our Wallet system from others(UX, Ease of accessibility, etc). We then ensured every respective account was set up, proceeding to gift their wallets via NEAR DROP, funded by NEAR MEET. Furthermore we discussed in minor detail about the plans and future of NxP and NEAR, followed up by the concept of PhyDi and how NFTs can be applied both for utility and otherwise in the tangible plane. From there, we explained the many events - like the one they were attending and many more on a much larger scale -that were being organized currently and in the future for NEAR by people like NxP.

Once we went over the applications in theory for the comprehension of the guests we demonstrated the process of logging into each application using the wallet and fees incurred therein. From there we visited ParasHQ & Mintbase, as well as Ref.Fi for good measure. Using these first hand accounts from one of our own members’ wallets, doubly reinforced how simple usage and navigation was and encouraged visual learning to those who do better by viewing others perform the task they are learning about. We repeated this process for every application we exposed them to. After a final moment before the conclusion to field questions and concerns regarding all they learned, they were each given a Proof of Attendance Participation(POAP) NFT airdropped to their new NEAR wallets in gratitude for their time and recognition of attendance at the meet.


Hi @Samtoshi_F_Baby :wave:

Just curious, are you planning to host a sequel of NEARxPUBLISH? :smile:

cc: @theChosenOne

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hi, amazing project!
could you share please your youtube channel where video is saved, if it was :pray:

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