Nearcon 2023! 🎉

:tada: The Nearcon 2023 website is now live, head to to check it out! :tada:

The site is 100% built on BOS, and ticketing onramps were built by a wonderful NEAR ecosystem project, Veriken.

This is a huge milestone, and the website and ticketing solutions are unlike anything built in Web3 so far. This is truly the next generation of ticketing, and it’s being displayed at NEAR Ecosystem’s very own flagship event!

Tickets are available for $79 USD until July 1st, and then will be $99 USD for the duration of the sales period.

In August, attendees will receive their official NFT ticket created by Keypom, which will be loaded with lots of amazing surprises! :eyes:

For those looking to resell their tickets for any unfortunate reasons, this can be done on the amazing Mintbase platform!

As the weeks go on, the website will be updated to reflect confirmed speakers, agenda, side events, and more… so DEFINITELY bookmark it and keep your eyes peeled!

Also, if you’re not already in it from last year then make ABSOLUTELY sure you join the NEARCON telegram group!!


Hi Marcus,

My team and I are looking to host a DAO hackathon side event called OFF/GRID at Nearcon 2023.

We ran our last OFF/GRID during Prague Blockchain Week 2023 and it was a huge success and we would love to throw if for the NEAR community. Several members of the NEAR community attended our side event and loved it. They are the ones who recommended that we get in touch as they think the NEAR community would get a lot of value from it.

I’m happy to share a link to it, if there’s a safe way to do so.

We will make a proposal here in the forum shortly, but wanted to know the following:

  • Aside from the NEAR con Telegram Announcement Channel is there another place to discuss the event and side event?
  • Is there a cap on how much financial support you offer?
  • Whats the average time on proposal acceptance or rejection.
  • Is there an application deadline?
  • Does NEAR have any support on the ground in Lisbon when it comes to logistics or organisation etc?

Apologies if I have missed the answer to any of these questions in the forum.

Cheers, ExUnico.

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