NEAR Stars Guild ⭐

Hey dear community members, my name is Edgar, am project organizer since age of 15, last few years I spent on social entrepreneurship doin’ crazy paintjobs with local Latvian artists in Riga by painting 55 bus stops and 11 electricity distribution facilities on these projects.

Last half year worked for another crypto community doin’ some translations, article submissions, adding partners to network and building local Latvian governance.

That’s a short memo about me. If you want to know more, i can share my Tinder profile with you. :blush:
My TG for more private chat: Telegram: Contact @zhunda

This week I caught eyes on NEAR community, did tons of researches and audits on other crypto network – Boyz and Girlz you’re the coolest! Ecosystem, project management, development, marketing, friendly welcoming and communication. Most respect you all! Bit upset that haven’t found you earlier. :heart:

Got few sweet ideas to grow community and brand awareness and feel that NEAR might be the right place where to get creative building up teams. So let me start and introduce you with the first one.

NEAR Stars Guild (NSG) :star:

Purpose: Positive interaction with worlds crypto influencers.

Biggest mistake I’ve seen in almost all crypto community contests or bounty offers for recognition interaction is that contest idea is made, rules for drops are written, topics are shown, #hashtags placed and after “sit n’ wait” since nothing happens – no public persons can’t find contest to write an article about project for magazine or drop a video review on it’s youtube channel.

What will NSG make different? We’ll do it opposite way.

  1. Get connected with our favorite bloggers.
  2. Ask them to make a blog post, review video, in depth look, interview with NEAR team leaders offering in exchange to share some coins when content is posted.
  3. To make it double effective can give some more NEAR coins when milestones as 100k views, 1k shares, 10k likes reached. A reasonable stimulus so that influencer give max share on his/hers fan base.
  4. Since it’s a “promotion” content we can ask them to place an additional info about events that NEAR is going to have, hackathons or other info that needs extra attention. I feel that tight romantic friendship with Marketing Guild has to be played here too.

How will NEAR benefit from it?

  • Most beautiful “mouth-to-mouth” recognition that we can have.
  • Most effective “cost to engagement” rates for public visibility.
  • Positive engagement with most interesting, knowledgeable and widely known crypto personas from web.

What you’ll get by joining NEAR Stars Guild?

  • Get in touch with your favorite crypto experts.
  • Plan, discuss, research and create topics about NEAR that Stars can share with world.
  • Your friends will get jealous and moma get proud because you work with influencers.

What needs to be done before launching NSG?

  1. Native speaking members for Guild:

Don’t want to be a nazi, so suggest in comments also other language since NEAR commune is huge. Mine is English and Russian (great to see that your the strongest. Маст лав! )

Also we should have SMM manager/admin to make our work visible to community and world.

Designer. Yeah, let’s get fancy cuz were going to look good and stylish.

Chain person between guilds and rest of community. Collect the needs for public announcements and plans so that content is wisely scheduled. Really would like to have as a supporter, also would like to be the one after to cowork with leaders here.

  1. Come up with fair bounty rates for influencers based on their fan/subscribes base and bonuses when certain views, likes or shares (depending on platform influencer is popular on).

  2. Budget that we need for first month.

Im a total newbie about bureaucracy, work and report structure on how things are happening in Guilds, so someone please take my hand and lead me trough it if I’m wrong at some point.

About KPI.

I believe that in fist month we can easily engage with results on 10 English and 5 per each other language influencers and organize some interviews with NEAR founders.

After concepts are tested and work on evaluation is done in short period we can occupy loudest web platforms and widely known crypto celebs.

Want to join our gang? :sunglasses:

Post in comments: “I do, I’m a Star!”, write down the role with your favorite language that you want to interact and get some extra karma points if you can share your 5 most sympathetic crypto influencer profiles.


Great idea, looping in @shreyas and @Grace as well.

Let’s try to hop in a call sometime this or next week perhaps and we can fully flush this out? I think it has huge potential and is much needed for sure!

What is your tg? Ping me @Ozymandius1 and we can go from there


+1 would love to join the call as well cc @zavodil


Thanks dears for support. :boom:

Have created a TG group, newcomers are welcomed to start some fun:

Today will join weekly meetup for some extra attention.
After creating a group call would be great. :sunglasses:

Great idea, @Zhunda. We’ve also been talking about some of these ideas and would definitely love to see it materialize and understand what we can do to make it happen. Joined the telegram. We can definitely jump on a call.

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Yeah! :fire:
Let’s bring it to the world.
Hope to catch you up on todays meetup. There can plan a group call.
Thanks for support Shreyas. ))

:raising_hand_woman: Let’s talk! this sounds GREAT!

I remember i had an initial conversation with Edgar a couple weeks ago, this is his DAO proposal for all your reference.

At the moment Steve from Vietnam got interest from GFS Ventures team. They said that they are interested in promo “free of charge” but there is a bounty for video creators. We got them on chat so that’s what kept on my mind.

Right now thinking about in deep video about DAO how to create them and how developers, promoters and creators can benefit from it. Each week James was talking about it, so some insights might get next week. Will catch him now.

Will try to see who might catch up for interview for interactive AMA.
See that you did videos about Staking, Rainbow bridge, protocol in general (Đồng Coin Tiềm Năng 2021: NEAR Protocol | GFS Ventures - Hidden Gem - YouTube looks sweet),
There is new Bounty opportunity for video creation, so no need for Free Of Charge, your doin’ great vids, and have to get fair funding for the work doing.
[Bounty] Promotional Video Creation - 100 NEAR

Maybe you know someone who is good in Vietnamese to make a AMA session or can do both DAO and hot AMA as two vids.

Have submitted a DAO on Createbase.
One of influencers channels is 100% all soponsored. So i don’t think we should work with him cuz can do it anytime and think that most/some (doesn’t matter) channel viewers also know this fact, so we should escape that kind of reputation.

At moment we got 2 video bloggers who are really cool.
George ( ) 243k subscribers / 80k views average - yesterday after Elon Musk tweet about BTC he was the first one to catch the news and in comments many people felt for him.
George will do an intro about project in whole. Is opened for us to get an extra attention on prefered topic. Would be great to see him talking and asking people to join hackathon, it starts tomorrow, so will get on other ideas.

Crypto Space ( Crypto Space - YouTube ) 101k subs / 15k views avg. Here is a sample how he does reviews.
Usogui - Support and real solutions to elevate your business! Crypto Space - YouTube
Tells it in his own way, funny and emotional (not all crypto people are cold bloded).
For his review would suggest him to take a look more into DAO (how to create them and interact) and Guild formation. Would be sweet to get more people from his fans to roll in as memebers and creators. He does more say that investors are his target audiance.
Since NEAR is looking positive on Near price, chart, market cap and info | CoinGecko
I believe that for inverstors it’s a good sygnal cuz both these youtubers are more into finance, less in tech (still can get those too in future).

At the moment Steve fishes Vietnamese bloggers, he has his own favs. Will cath their bounty interests, if it will be even to Creatbase existing DAO, will leave it as it is, if not, will submit refreshed one.

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very cool! love the proposal!!

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Thank you Caro for feedback! :heart:

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